last year pose with Riky dalam with Riky outside proud 5 entering 6 months lagi...
i can still remember how were things at that time...dgn morning nite sickness nye, hubby is not around, work is piling up, alone...hmm im glad ive passed that period of time with strong will...nasib la..alhamdulillah...and now to think about my dear friend Iqin whose thousand of miles away pursuing her dreams with feotus in her tummy...i can surely understand how she feels..dengan jauhnye, dengan pressure early pregnancies sicknesses...oang pregnant ye la yg tau canne rasenye...tapi yg bagusnye doc kat Uk tu, they offered a supportive letter for her...that surely exhibit one kind of common understanding yang kita di sini am lacking off...tapi apa2 pon...1 Malaysia...cant deny my love for my tanah tumpah darah ku...:)
my mom tgh buat sup ayam kat dapor..she said it's good for orang sakit like me..hmm i wonder how are things gonna be when i nak duk our own house nnt...mesti tunggang langgang...hubby had alraedy gave his cue * next week kite start duk umah la yea...i dun mind, seriously but it is Riky im worried about...luckily ada helper..but it would be better if someone's supervising her in her work...
takpe la..nothin like trying kan..and mintak2 la semangat saya kuat untuk fasting..Doc Iman said dont since youre very weak..tapi Islam kan agama yang mudah...ia tak akan membebankan umat2nya...and i trust dear Allah in that statement...
*sedapnye bau rempah mak reneh ne..well..i surely miss my clan when bukak pose..along and akak far away, nasib ada kak ngah n kids kat umah..with dad n bro bz with their Ruhas Jati...i can only count to meet them during sahur...kire oke la tu... :) nasib hubby makes an effort to come home few seconds before azan Maghrib...
I babble on most of the things. Well,geez. All of them actually! Am a Shaklee Seremban distributor. Go extra healthy with Shaklee. *Kuih Talam Seremban* *017-6617882 untuk sebarang pertanyaan*
August 27, 2009
** down with dengue **
** im still weak...and doc gave me more MCs...i dreaded to think what my colleagues might think of my long absence...i sincerely hope their trust towards my responsibility and capability are not what Doc Iman said, you cannot overlook this post effect of dengues, plus i might need to take another blood test to confirm there's no complications due to dengue behold upon me..
takotnye dengar..bukan late neighbour dulu was diagnosed with dengue...and he was treated due to that...after sometime his platelet remained static, and he was again referred to another specialist in KL. Whose diagnosed him with cancer, at stage 3! that news took us by shock..of course since we knew that uncle as a healthy and joyful was not too long, until dia dijempot pulang ke rahmatullah...
i was dumbfounded..i can remembered that event still, my mom relayed that news to me tru phone, since i was thousands of miles away from home...harapnye roh beliau berserta roh-roh arwah keluarga yg lain sentiasa di limpahi least they were know blessed to be with Him..kita ne? wallahualam..
and another thing that ive learnt..appreciate la your loved ones while they can still be appreciated..ive passed few ugly experiences of losing loved ones, luckily i dont have regrets of not cherising those moments with them while i still can...
hubby, mak, abah, riky, sisters, brothers, nieces, nephews, my big families and dear friends...i love you peeps with all my heart....Allah bless!
takotnye dengar..bukan late neighbour dulu was diagnosed with dengue...and he was treated due to that...after sometime his platelet remained static, and he was again referred to another specialist in KL. Whose diagnosed him with cancer, at stage 3! that news took us by shock..of course since we knew that uncle as a healthy and joyful was not too long, until dia dijempot pulang ke rahmatullah...
i was dumbfounded..i can remembered that event still, my mom relayed that news to me tru phone, since i was thousands of miles away from home...harapnye roh beliau berserta roh-roh arwah keluarga yg lain sentiasa di limpahi least they were know blessed to be with Him..kita ne? wallahualam..
and another thing that ive learnt..appreciate la your loved ones while they can still be appreciated..ive passed few ugly experiences of losing loved ones, luckily i dont have regrets of not cherising those moments with them while i still can...
hubby, mak, abah, riky, sisters, brothers, nieces, nephews, my big families and dear friends...i love you peeps with all my heart....Allah bless!
August 25, 2009
** these past few weaks..**

hello alll...sorry for the long's been a while since ive jotted down few lines..bukan apa,things had been pretty hectic nowdays...first with the travelling to n fro to office and back..then kenduri at my place..riky cukor jambul after so long..*sorry dear, and a week after that im down with high fever and asthma, and after 5 days blood test showed that im dengue positive, plus under observation due to that scary-influenza...
my my..what a combination...sedey mmg sedey..actually its more towards dissapointment..tapi ada blessing in disguise gak...mebbe this is a way God gives me in order for me to take a step aside and rest for the hectic lifestyle..its more interesting when 2 days before i was admitted my boss called me and inform about him leaving for knee operation, and wanting me to take over his jobs during his absence...and mind you his absence is not a plain absence..we're talking about 2 months absence! my jaw dropped *whatta hell? ive been here less then 2 months, and now with this work load, can i cope? hahah..before i have the answer, God apparently had better plans for me, yea that is to ground me in Ward 409...bottles n bottles of sodium and glucose, with nearly 10 tablets to be gulped down...
until i put those tablets in the drawer and hubby finally discovered about me not consuming those drugs as per intruscted...yea yea i got pretty good lecture from him...but how can i tell that it is quite erm erm aaa fed up to take all that 5-7 tablets at one time? but oke ive kicked out that habits, and now dilligently gulping down those tablets...
mekasih mak and families, for taking care of little Riky when i was warded...and not to see his face in that couple of days is definitely am killing me...tapi better tak bawak gi spital rather than make his health jeopardised...
and first day pose kat ward? trust dont want to experience that...take care of yourself readers, stay healthy k...hubby? mekasih tido merengkot dalam sleeping bag kat sofa that few days...
my my..what a combination...sedey mmg sedey..actually its more towards dissapointment..tapi ada blessing in disguise gak...mebbe this is a way God gives me in order for me to take a step aside and rest for the hectic lifestyle..its more interesting when 2 days before i was admitted my boss called me and inform about him leaving for knee operation, and wanting me to take over his jobs during his absence...and mind you his absence is not a plain absence..we're talking about 2 months absence! my jaw dropped *whatta hell? ive been here less then 2 months, and now with this work load, can i cope? hahah..before i have the answer, God apparently had better plans for me, yea that is to ground me in Ward 409...bottles n bottles of sodium and glucose, with nearly 10 tablets to be gulped down...
until i put those tablets in the drawer and hubby finally discovered about me not consuming those drugs as per intruscted...yea yea i got pretty good lecture from him...but how can i tell that it is quite erm erm aaa fed up to take all that 5-7 tablets at one time? but oke ive kicked out that habits, and now dilligently gulping down those tablets...
mekasih mak and families, for taking care of little Riky when i was warded...and not to see his face in that couple of days is definitely am killing me...tapi better tak bawak gi spital rather than make his health jeopardised...
and first day pose kat ward? trust dont want to experience that...take care of yourself readers, stay healthy k...hubby? mekasih tido merengkot dalam sleeping bag kat sofa that few days...
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