1st scenario:
Baba: Sok Saturday my cousins nak datang ye
Mama: Ala sok ma keje la yang
Baba: Hmm
2nd scenario:
Mama: hmm poning tul la layang operator ne *bebel2 sindri sambil check messages
Baba: soh benti taknak!
Mama: bukan taknak tapi *bla bla blaa
Baba: -----------fedup
uwaaa.. so he speaks! this is not the first time that statement kuar mulut dia tapi lots of times now! Plus my helper is again leaving end of this month, i dah start terkontang kanting. Sapa nak jaga Riky, ngan myself and hubby so bz, kuar pagi nak malam baru balik...macam mana?
benti keje make sense, but tremendous amount of other things heavied my mind and soul..Riky can be sent to nursery tapi si bujang ni, aisey..harap2 leh la survive kat nursery..
myself cannot stay idle without doing anything. that it so totally not in the plate. i need to do something. but what and how. cannot think la..nak business pon takde byk pengalaman,tak byk pengalaman ni la risk dia makin tinggi.
tapi hubby ckp mmg la kalo business 90% we talk bout risks! pfft..benti keje? mmg la kat office pon scenario is not good now ni, which i think everyone pon ada issue mereka sindri, thats including me!
if i said let me think bout the solutiion or proposal, i think ive been thinking for quite sometime..tapi zero output. hmm hubby kata goreng pisang kat depan je la..ha. one of the ways to start learning bout business tapi myself tak minat la plak, lagipun me takde touch mcm my other sibs la..derang masak mmg power.
agaknye kene benti dulu kot baru idea sampai..hehe
I babble on most of the things. Well,geez. All of them actually! Am a Shaklee Seremban distributor. Go extra healthy with Shaklee. *Kuih Talam Seremban* *017-6617882 untuk sebarang pertanyaan*
September 20, 2010
Eid mubarak All

Salam aidilfitri readers, maaf zahir batin..lama gak rasenya tak update blog ni, bukan apa, sebuk manjang je..raya cuti pon cuti yang diprovide by company, worse still we have to replace the hols by working on Saturdays..now how cunning it can be kan..serupa takyah cuti..
forget bout all the lousy details, lets talk bout raya! raya tahun ni patut turn seremban, tapi hubby cakap since nak balik sana tu lalu sini, so raya sini la dulu..pehh..lama gak la myself nak get to that statement,bukan apa tahun ni turn raya kat semban, then all my sibs pon raya sini, then we have new member memeng, jadi i anticipate it would be a huge one..tapi takpela..i follow his words, since i dont want this raya to be a raya with air mata..hehehe
anyhow, we singgah at my inlaws, solat and breakfast, then shoot to seremban..after fri prayer balik sri menanti kg gunung pasir..dah ramai da kat kampong at that time.my uncles n aunties suma sebok prepare mcm2 food..cousins pegi mandi jeram, siapkan food nak bbq malam tu, main bola..mcm2 aktiviti la..mmg meriah..acara kemuncak petang tu adalah meriam buluh la..apa lagi..yg main pon otai2 ye suma, nak turunkan ilmu la kan, hahaha..then malam bbq followed by acara penutup main mercun aka lawan mercun ngan kampong sebelah!
meraung2 la si riky, takotkan bunyi berdentum dentam. takleh wat apa la..sebab tokey main mercun tu baba ae sindri, paling abes i leh buat pon sengih sambil menjengilkan mata kat baba dia, which i cud say pretty much sia-sia aja...hahah..tak kisah la baba, malam kang adik meraung baba la layan yea, mama sumbat cotton ball kat tinge..hehe
before acara kemuncak malam main mercun tu, we have a soal jawab session, more like kuiz session la..simple q like what is our kampungs name, nama pokok sebelah ni ape, nama den apo..haha..simple yet hard for these little ones, but they did show some courage in answering them very confidently walaupon salah..after that followed by acara salam2 bagi angpow to them..
menarik mmg menarik..and to see Awe smile ear to ear with her similar question- dah makan ko boluuuumm..it definitely worth it to go throughout all the traffic to get to this kampung ujung pasir..The Suda Rocks!
September 8, 2010
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