I babble on most of the things. Well,geez. All of them actually! Am a Shaklee Seremban distributor. Go extra healthy with Shaklee. *Kuih Talam Seremban* *017-6617882 untuk sebarang pertanyaan*
December 29, 2018
#kuihtalamija still ON!
Assalamualaikum and Hi Semuaaa,
Operasi Kuih Talam Ija seperti biasa ya pelanggan yang dikasihi semua...
Tak sempat upload picture je sebab bz naaauuuu heheheh..
Apa pun nak terima kasih banyak dan i feel so humbled and blessed dengan sokongan semua..semoga Allah merahmati pelanggan saya semua..:))
For queries please contact- 017 6617882
September 22, 2018
All About Talam #kuihtalamija
A month back, #kuihtalamija had taken a major step in its own talam history..we've increased our production to greater numbers of kuih talam. Jadi maaf sangat pada sahabat yang tak dapat saya ambil ordernya last minute..sorry sangatt
Alhamdulillah maha suci Allah, dengan ihsan dan kasih sayangNya maka all these factors made possible. Dan tentunya pada my dearest beloved customers yang always always supportive..thank you and much love!

A month back, #kuihtalamija had taken a major step in its own talam history..we've increased our production to greater numbers of kuih talam. Jadi maaf sangat pada sahabat yang tak dapat saya ambil ordernya last minute..sorry sangatt
Alhamdulillah maha suci Allah, dengan ihsan dan kasih sayangNya maka all these factors made possible. Dan tentunya pada my dearest beloved customers yang always always supportive..thank you and much love!
July 13, 2018
Order Kuih Talam
Assalamualaikum and Hi All...
Segala pujian bagi Allah atas izinNya mengurniakan kudrat nak menyiapkan segala tempahan ni haaa
MasyaAllah, itu semua dengan kehendak Nya..
Jom layan pic #kuihtalamija, anything please whatsapp- 017 6617882

May 6, 2018
Apam solo
Assalamualaikum and hai semuaa.
Antara my best seller- apam solo..
apam solo ni cabarannya adalah nak keep it gebu. sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't!
Bila it does tu, alhamdulillah rasa berbaloi sangat2..
Apam solo ada few inti- kelapa, kacang hitam and kaya pandan..
Also not to forget, kuih koci..it comes with two different flavours- koci pulut hitam dan koci labu..
Boleh contact ija through whatssap- www.wassap.my/0176617882

Antara my best seller- apam solo..
apam solo ni cabarannya adalah nak keep it gebu. sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't!
Bila it does tu, alhamdulillah rasa berbaloi sangat2..
Apam solo ada few inti- kelapa, kacang hitam and kaya pandan..
Also not to forget, kuih koci..it comes with two different flavours- koci pulut hitam dan koci labu..
Boleh contact ija through whatssap- www.wassap.my/0176617882

May 3, 2018
My precious kuih #kuihtalamija
Assalamualaikum and Hi Everyone..
Just to let you know, amid all these craziness of PRU14, my talam house is stil open ye..not only talam but i've expanded to kuih koci, popia sira crispy and if I have time to top up my stock of karipap pusing inti kentang, yassss i'll have loads of them in my deep chest freezer.
But these yummilicious goodies seemed to flying off the racks soon than i expected, jadi nak restock tu maaf ye my dearest customers, will somehow take some time..
Thank you for your orders, I so appreciate them very much...banyak-banyak bersyukur atas support semua..
Untuk sebarang pertanyaan tentang tempahan, boleh terus ke wassap ya -www.wasap.my/0176617882 .Thanks!
February 27, 2018
Kuih Talam, Bingka, Nona Manis & Apam Solo Seremban
Aswt n Hi all!
Hari-hari busy menyiapkan tempahan daripada beloved customers! I am so thankful and appreciate all of your support! Thank you Thank youuuu
017-661 7882 for any queries :)

Hari-hari busy menyiapkan tempahan daripada beloved customers! I am so thankful and appreciate all of your support! Thank you Thank youuuu
017-661 7882 for any queries :)
February 6, 2018
Kuih Talam Ija from Seremban with loveee
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