rindu nak gi dua2 tempat ne, last week one of my colleagues just came back, so I managed to catch up here and there with her..hearing her stories and excitment, well actually we shared ours,always gives me the pumping in my adrenaline.
macam mana nak cerita yea, the feelings tu susah sket nak express, especially when I saw green dome and black square built infront of me..its like expressionless. alhamdulillah praise to Allah I managed to complete few rounds of umra' and only assisted hubby, and accompany him with his journey for miqat due to women reason. tipu la kalo i say im not dissapointed or sad since i took pils prescribed by gynae, tapi at least, Allah gives me the chance to step on His holy land..
my tour group ne, mostly professionals-doc gigi ada, doc GP ada, doc falsafah pon ada..mostly travel with family la, of course la kan if gi sana kene la ada muhrim nya. there this one family, mom with 4 daughters and in laws, plus a cute kiddie..it reminds me of myself..alangkah bestnye if mom can travel along with us all-4 sisters, surely can be pretty much havoc gak..
tapi suma sempoi..cuma ada la masa2 nye kiterang ada complain sket2 but most of the time we plus minus gak ngan our organizer..nak perfect mmg tak dapat la but at least our main objective tu tercapai..
normally when hubby gi beribadat i felt bored in hotel room, ye la tgk tv pon tak paham, so usually i went to wait for him near the mosque..bukan tunggu depan pintu masjid yea, tapi depan masjid dalam shopping mall! ha jangan main2, dpn masjidil haram ada starbux, u also can shop in that zam-zam mall...ada guess boutique, esprit..fuh! i mean i donno,it's just felt wrong to see such shops that close to Haram..
bukankah itu akan menjadi satu distraction untuk jemaah? or maybe im wrong, maybe its just me who feels that way, orang lain mungkin suka..but orinality of that place i think dah makin hilang la..ntah bila next time ada rezeki pergi lagi, ada disneyland lak somewhere at that parameter..
nak carik internet pon is very2 limited, nasib kat Hilton business center leh access, itu pon with 15 rial per hour..hahaha..telan je la, sbb nak tengok muke Zikry nye pasal..
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