if tengok caption atas tu, nauzubillah..tapi lately ne tu la yang berlaku..myself baru je got discharged last 2 months, then last 2 weeks, my darling Riky lak get admitted..
Well his case to me was so much worse than mine..ye la, kalo oang tua sakit dia leh la bagitau ke apa ke..but what can a 1 months plus year old toddler can do? merengek je la..
it all started on that day..riky muntah. tapi i thought that was because he was coughing before..then dia amik his noon nap as usual..tapi tak selesa..like very uncomfortable, guling2 like he's in pain..still being such a stupid mom i am, i again thought this is him being normal..then petang tu after he's being fed, he cried and cried..as tho he's in great pain..bila dukung dia naik2 atas badan..panic la, luckily la mom ada sama so we rushed to dhillon's. kat sini, siap potong q lagi, cakap ngan nurse tu tolong la, since riky dah nangis2 dah waktu tu..
seriously i was so panicked..yet calm gak la..tapi dalam hati tuhan je yang tau..dhillon diagnosed him and then gave some med. kata if dia tak heal pagi sok kene gi wat x ray stat! suspected usus riky mungkin terbelit or stuck within each other..
upon hearing that, my mon dah nangis. i became blur. what? what? but why? how come..how? balik, bagi ubat, then dia taknak susu..tapi dia nak minum ORS..lega rasenya, at least he wants to drink. but, split 5 minutes, he threw up. and practically threw up whatever he consumed earlier..sampai muntah hijau..
we rushed him to the hospital, riky lembik dah..ya Allah..i plead for Your mercy..please ya Allah..when he vomitted again, i nearly losin my poker face, paed Dr.Wan was on call, dia datang there and then pasang drip..
after that, admitted then dekat ward riky e ek darah! pool of blood..ya Allah..doa doa doa..aku ni hamba Mu yang lemah ya Allah..he vomitted again, then e ek..process ni went for couple of days..
anyhow, alhamdulillah he recovered now..cause still unknown, ada some kind of bacterial infection..but follow up je la skrang ni..rase trauma tul, mengingatkan anak2 di luar sana yang ada sakit yg more kronik, ya Allah moga beri kekuatan pada parents ini dan sembuhkan lah anak mereka..amiin..
riky, such an unpleasant experience for mama...mama takes it, whatever doesnt kill us, it makes us stronger kan...i love you..terima kasih ya Allah..
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