Afrer 4 years of leaving Europe, im back again!
sgt excited, bukan apa, teringat memories lama, kira cam down memory lanes la..ehhe
but this time the trip is even more meaningful to me, since i'll be going with my loved ones and extended families...jadi the more the merrier la kan?
preparation in fact took months before..although takde la prepare gempak2 sgt but since lots of points and factors, twist n turns, currencies need to be taken care off, so prepare la apa2 yang patut..
nasib la ive been to those countries before, so more less bole anticipate la what might happened, i guess 4 years advanced wont be changing so many things..
so off we go for 2 wks time- London->Paris->Switz->England
tiring? mmgla, dalam keadaan dealing with morning sickness, kerenah zikry lg, but luckily suma family members lend their hands in the tasks..maunye tak, ngan pram, bottles, formula milk, pampers, so we were so handful..jadi cousins pon chipped in la apa2 yg patut..thanks guys!
down the memory lanes, I realized that whatever hardships ive endured during those years, ups n downs, mostly faced alone are all bloody worth it! thanks Allah, parents and families for everything that've been sacrificed for my wellbeing during those wonderful years..xoxox