No lahh..i eat enough already..
No need expensive..
Later buy no eat la..
Am very sorry to have start this entry with such negativity. What I'm trying to say is, it's a bit of a norm and somehow has eventually become quite a culture for our community to have this attitude of 'wait and see'. In this context, am referring to the needs of taking supplements/multivitamins until the body has exhibits some kind of health deterioration. Well aren't you readers aware of the ancient proverb " Prevention is better than cure ". Which clearly doesn't apply to this small minority. Apologies again my respect is still with this people since i truly understand and accept that they might have their own issue to deal with,may Allah ease out their matters.
Why should we take supplements?
--> Nowadays we're constantly being exposed to a lots of harmful toxins and environmental pollutions whether we realize it or not. Sitting beside a smoking person is part of it too!
--> Not enough nutrients from the food that we eat. Maggi goreng anyone?? hehehe
--> Our lifestyle is tedious, from a hectic working lifestyle, fast food, mamak treat late at nights, not enough exercise..
--> Improper nutrient absorption from food intake due to our lifestyle ( excessive caffein intake, smoking, etc..)Well i am a coffee lover, cannot stop!
What will happpen if we're not getting enough nutrient?
--> Premature aging. You get tired easily. Constipation, gosh that sucks.
--> Prone to get many infections and allergy.
--> Fatigue, hair losses, osteoporosis and skin issues.
--> Our cells are not properly nourished and treated.
However, spend some time to look and dig for more info. Dont take your health or body for granted. I am suggesting you guys to take multivitamins NOT because i'm the distributor, but also because I have infact experience a lots of benefits after consuming this. But why inclined towards this specific Shaklee products?
Established. It has been around since I and most of you are not born yet ( 1915) Means it's reliable. Trust-able products with so many great testimonials around the world.
Affordable. Trust me, your groceries cost your more than this.
--> Shaklee is a GREEN product, which means it's certified and proven safe, backed by scientific and clinical proof in over 100 scientific published journals.
--> Of course's is HALAL certified by Islamic Services of America. Certificate num: 0206-13-17284. This halal thingy is a huge deal for me so I make certain of it before consuming these vitamins.
And the list goes on.
Shaklee besides being good buddies to your body, it can too become even better friend to your income and pocket money if you choose to become a distributor and be serious and real about it. As for me, all work and no play makes me dull and although im setting a target, i am yet to move at my own pace, thanks to my understanding teammates, but I can assure you with the grace of Allah and my initiative to excel, i will move forward, and so can you..Shaklee's system is not about making money for your upline, ( im so totally against that, have experienced few other systems actually )but the money goes to whoever works and deserves it..I have once be very skeptical about this but once I'm armed with information and knowledge, supported by good team members, here I am. :)
Bottom line is, I trust Allah is there with me, and He knows best. At your service 017-6617882