Shaklee. Pernah dengar pasal this US brand? Kalo tak pernah meh nak citer skit..
Is a brand that carries health products, organic and halal certified, supplements that have infact satisfy most of the customers that's been consuming it..most here means whatever we're doing we're still subjected to the grace of Allah kan? Meaning kita berusaha, Allah yang menentukannya so that is exactly where comes the small percentage of this unsatisfied customer..
Tapi betul, bukan sebab saya dah join Shaklee id 109 4354 ( cewaaahhh ) maka saya berkata begini tapi disebabkan saya dah try dulu. My elder sister starts first, she's been taking this health products like 4 years ago and the results are definitely not dissapointing at all ( dia mengandung kembar, can puasa penuh, not being lethargic and such, kembar was delivered fast without complications only 2 hours labour, abundance of breast milk supply ) but again like i said these took place due to grace from Allah Al for me im taking weight control supplements as well omega-3 to control my constipation. aiyoo my constipation can goes like 3 days in a row tau, suffer bcos u keep on eating but nothing came out..all the gasses, toxic have been dominating my body so my body went weng lah..tapi alhamdulillah bila makan omega-3 ni my e ek jadi lembut and at least mesti ada 'pengeluaran' everyday walaupon tak banyak..n takyah teran2, guys tau tak kalo slalu teran then can become buasir..nauzubillah can lead to polip and then ulcer and ultimately become cancerous you! subhanallah i pray for all of us to not be tested with any chronic health condition..
Yang penting be open. Berusaha. Jangan skeptikal ( i can be one at times ). Collect knowledge, understand and take action.
Shaklee besides benefiting your health kalo kita buat betul2 and determined can benefit our pocket too..well few extra bucks wont hurt right, especially dalam time2 everything also goes up, huhu kene la step up game dalam mencari rezeki lebih, insyaAllah..

Nothing comes easy. I always always preach about this. Now its time to put action in place.
Bismillahirrahman ir rahim!
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