I've moved to the next exciting level. As a kuih talam maker.
Kuih Talam Tradisional ni always fascinates me. How intrigued I am of the technicality in making this kuih talam.
Ye la, kalo tak betul, kuih lapis nyonya@kuih pangsa bole jadi bubur, other kuih talam can be lembik thus not delicious and certainly not a beautiful sight to the eye.
Jadi yes, I attended classes. To learn and learn and learn.
And yessss! I managed to. Been doing it since. Ambil order yang alhamdulillah Allah lorongkan sebagai salah satu punca rezeki.
Sekali rupanya, memang syiok pulak layan buat kuih ni. Rasa dia? So far my customers's database strongly consists of returned satisfied customers, syukur pada Allah atas ilmu dan kekuatan yang di beri.
Berminat untuk order, boleh ye hubungi Ija di 017-6617882, area Seremban dan sekitar, COD charges applied. Thanks semua..

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