cian Riky..mana taknya..i always came back late nowdays..left home when the sun bout to rise..and reaches home when it's already dark..hubby hasnt said a word bout it yet..but i reckon he's just a matter of time..but deep down i think he knows that im truly f busy, that i am left with no choice than to adhere to this workload and commitment..
well he's busy the time i reach home, he'll be out again to attend to his matters. it's the arrangement that crucial. i mean we make it an effort to be with our son couple of ours before he's off to sleep..
sekarang Riky tengah sebok mumbling.."bababbababa.." mama nya kurang di sebut..hehe..nak kecik ati pon tak masuk akal, since according to ped specialist, that's common to be included under babies' early dia sebut "mba mba mba"? uwaaa..i'll be damned if that's the case.. ne rainy season..bila duduk2 cosy macam ne teringat pada mangsa banjir at few mentioned tadi that situation worsen, and authorities had somehow declared yellow zone ke apatah for those affected states..dah la next week nak raya Haji dah..hopefully they can return to their homes soon enough..and im truly feeling lucky and blessed at this very moment by dear Allah to still have this leisure of my own comfort at home...
10 pm. time to snuggle beside Riky..kiss dia cukop2 before tido..:)
I babble on most of the things. Well,geez. All of them actually! Am a Shaklee Seremban distributor. Go extra healthy with Shaklee. *Kuih Talam Seremban* *017-6617882 untuk sebarang pertanyaan*
November 18, 2009
November 15, 2009
*keje keje kejeee*
phew! lega to be at home for this weekend..bukan apa, dah how many consequtive weeks yg i need to berkhidmat pada company on saturdays, n it's not even half day tau..full day until 5.30pm..well wat else then can be done by the time i reach home around 7pm?
since dapat love letter from my hubby, isi kandungan nye hehe, takyah la detail but it kinda gives me a smack on my face, saya pon cuba la sedaya upaya yang terdaya untuk balik awal, alhamdulillah there are few times i managed to do so, altho terpaksa curik2 lari dari opis, but i got no choice, sbb at times hubby is right..
love letter tru FB internet savvy..hehehe..
since dapat love letter from my hubby, isi kandungan nye hehe, takyah la detail but it kinda gives me a smack on my face, saya pon cuba la sedaya upaya yang terdaya untuk balik awal, alhamdulillah there are few times i managed to do so, altho terpaksa curik2 lari dari opis, but i got no choice, sbb at times hubby is right..
love letter tru FB internet savvy..hehehe..
November 6, 2009
*Kaherah Day 2*
Malam tu..guess what? we went to experience the great river Nile at night..cruising of course..
tapi ada suprising element lain aa plak..apa dia?'s the Egyptian delicacies-tarian gelek aa..haha..u cannot imagine how the mutawwif's face when that belly-pierced girl came out..things were fine at first, background interesting we are, on the way to perform holy Umrah and ziarah..tetiba ada plak la free show..wakakakaa
my fren and myself were laughing..mana taknye, because both of us were like pushing our hubbies and teasing them telling that they must be enjoying the show..ahah men..sape yg tak kan..
things were getting hotter..dah la belly dancer tu dok pusin2 depan kiterang..and mind you..we sat at front table so such a clear view infront of us! then mutawwif bangun naik upper deck, so does my hunny bunny pon bangun and motioned to myself to naik upper deck..
phew..things are much cooler up here :)windy breezy Nile-like feeling
* Kaherah Day 1 *
Landed in Cairo awal pagi, at airport je, hubby da start to call home..*hello..assalamualaikum mak..kiterang da sampai da..Mak..adik ok?* haha..itu yang benarnya..checking out on little zikry la..erm of course,to leave our baby back home was the hardest decision i ever made..tapi atas nawaitu tu, tawakkal je la..
Cairo..was a historical and full with epic place. actually, Cairo itself is not much a place to visit, lagi thrill if you can spend more days to visit Iskandariah..then only your visit to Egypt is considered complete!
owh yea..did i mention about my hubby's phone bill raking up thousands..hahah..mana taknye, everyday call Zikry..dengar dia cooing and crying makes us burst with happiness..ya Allah besar sungguh kurnia Mu pada hamba mu yang hina ini..terima kasih Allah kerana mengurniakan Zikry kepada kami..
there's one time kat Cairo, we were so tired after visited the pyramid during daytime, so we only tapau our food- some kind of nasi minyak/ default per person got one bungkus la..when we arrived back at our hotel room, unwrapped the food and finished off satu bungkus sorang..memang la food tu baanyaak, ample of them for a person but since me n hubby are as hungry as wolves, we managed to finish off the food *burp..
next morning tu, turun la brekpes..then most of them bawak turun nasik tu..and within our tables, they were chatting * ye la mmg banyak kan nasik tu, tak habis..a ah..aunty pon satu bungkus makan 2 orang pon tak abes tu yang bawak turun brekpes nak heat up tu...* WHAAAT? satu bungkus makan 2 orang tak abes? then wat about us?yang makan sorang satu tapi still macam tak cukop?, when they threw that question to me..abes ke makan..i just nodded without direction apenye entah la...ahahahhahah
when hubby broke the news to me, *darl, we're off to Cairo n perform Umrah in next two weeks*, i broke into tears..never that i thought i'll be invited by dear Allah this quick. Mmg la dalam hati selalu ada niat nak pergi to rumah-Nya..but there are always something in between..time..RM..
hubby ada la ceta2 about going over there before that, tapi i took things lightly je ..mmg kitorang loves to travel, but since i just gave birth to our adorable son, rasenya that travel plan will be like years ahead..
But,since he'd stayed in Mecca for quite sometime and dutifully perform Umrah consequently after that, dia kata dia dah rindu to see that green dome..
now i can understand his feelings..because im missing that place immersely too..walaupon under that 44 deg heat, hmm
moga murah rezeki kami sekeluarga untuk sampai lagi ke sana..this time bawak zikry la..hehe
hubby ada la ceta2 about going over there before that, tapi i took things lightly je ..mmg kitorang loves to travel, but since i just gave birth to our adorable son, rasenya that travel plan will be like years ahead..
But,since he'd stayed in Mecca for quite sometime and dutifully perform Umrah consequently after that, dia kata dia dah rindu to see that green dome..
now i can understand his feelings..because im missing that place immersely too..walaupon under that 44 deg heat, hmm
moga murah rezeki kami sekeluarga untuk sampai lagi ke sana..this time bawak zikry la..hehe
November 1, 2009
well..kalo ikotkan title ne, lama da dilemma nye..worse part is, that feeling is still lingering here..not for good cause actually..more towards frustrating event..
to be precised on what has been bothering me few days, owh no..few weeks infact had been quite a, myself, life, my friends..enemies..and work conquered that never-seem-to-ending nothing -ve, cuma second in the list tu has great influence on the it? hahah..thats y i said its quite a dilemma..atau maybe saya je yg pikir banyak sangat..nah, kalo ikotkan quiz self-evaluation tu, mmg im a thinker, which really suited my current job right now.
but thats the thing. i dont feel like 'into' the current job yet..maybe the time hasnt arrive..but thats the same reason ive keep on telling myself for the past couple of months..
totally in state of denial..
to be precised on what has been bothering me few days, owh no..few weeks infact had been quite a, myself, life, my friends..enemies..and work conquered that never-seem-to-ending nothing -ve, cuma second in the list tu has great influence on the it? hahah..thats y i said its quite a dilemma..atau maybe saya je yg pikir banyak sangat..nah, kalo ikotkan quiz self-evaluation tu, mmg im a thinker, which really suited my current job right now.
but thats the thing. i dont feel like 'into' the current job yet..maybe the time hasnt arrive..but thats the same reason ive keep on telling myself for the past couple of months..
totally in state of denial..
August 27, 2009
** Ramadhan **
last year pose with Riky dalam with Riky outside proud 5 entering 6 months lagi...
i can still remember how were things at that time...dgn morning nite sickness nye, hubby is not around, work is piling up, alone...hmm im glad ive passed that period of time with strong will...nasib la..alhamdulillah...and now to think about my dear friend Iqin whose thousand of miles away pursuing her dreams with feotus in her tummy...i can surely understand how she feels..dengan jauhnye, dengan pressure early pregnancies sicknesses...oang pregnant ye la yg tau canne rasenye...tapi yg bagusnye doc kat Uk tu, they offered a supportive letter for her...that surely exhibit one kind of common understanding yang kita di sini am lacking off...tapi apa2 pon...1 Malaysia...cant deny my love for my tanah tumpah darah ku...:)
my mom tgh buat sup ayam kat dapor..she said it's good for orang sakit like me..hmm i wonder how are things gonna be when i nak duk our own house nnt...mesti tunggang langgang...hubby had alraedy gave his cue * next week kite start duk umah la yea...i dun mind, seriously but it is Riky im worried about...luckily ada helper..but it would be better if someone's supervising her in her work...
takpe la..nothin like trying kan..and mintak2 la semangat saya kuat untuk fasting..Doc Iman said dont since youre very weak..tapi Islam kan agama yang mudah...ia tak akan membebankan umat2nya...and i trust dear Allah in that statement...
*sedapnye bau rempah mak reneh ne..well..i surely miss my clan when bukak pose..along and akak far away, nasib ada kak ngah n kids kat umah..with dad n bro bz with their Ruhas Jati...i can only count to meet them during sahur...kire oke la tu... :) nasib hubby makes an effort to come home few seconds before azan Maghrib...
i can still remember how were things at that time...dgn morning nite sickness nye, hubby is not around, work is piling up, alone...hmm im glad ive passed that period of time with strong will...nasib la..alhamdulillah...and now to think about my dear friend Iqin whose thousand of miles away pursuing her dreams with feotus in her tummy...i can surely understand how she feels..dengan jauhnye, dengan pressure early pregnancies sicknesses...oang pregnant ye la yg tau canne rasenye...tapi yg bagusnye doc kat Uk tu, they offered a supportive letter for her...that surely exhibit one kind of common understanding yang kita di sini am lacking off...tapi apa2 pon...1 Malaysia...cant deny my love for my tanah tumpah darah ku...:)
my mom tgh buat sup ayam kat dapor..she said it's good for orang sakit like me..hmm i wonder how are things gonna be when i nak duk our own house nnt...mesti tunggang langgang...hubby had alraedy gave his cue * next week kite start duk umah la yea...i dun mind, seriously but it is Riky im worried about...luckily ada helper..but it would be better if someone's supervising her in her work...
takpe la..nothin like trying kan..and mintak2 la semangat saya kuat untuk fasting..Doc Iman said dont since youre very weak..tapi Islam kan agama yang mudah...ia tak akan membebankan umat2nya...and i trust dear Allah in that statement...
*sedapnye bau rempah mak reneh ne..well..i surely miss my clan when bukak pose..along and akak far away, nasib ada kak ngah n kids kat umah..with dad n bro bz with their Ruhas Jati...i can only count to meet them during sahur...kire oke la tu... :) nasib hubby makes an effort to come home few seconds before azan Maghrib...
** down with dengue **
** im still weak...and doc gave me more MCs...i dreaded to think what my colleagues might think of my long absence...i sincerely hope their trust towards my responsibility and capability are not what Doc Iman said, you cannot overlook this post effect of dengues, plus i might need to take another blood test to confirm there's no complications due to dengue behold upon me..
takotnye dengar..bukan late neighbour dulu was diagnosed with dengue...and he was treated due to that...after sometime his platelet remained static, and he was again referred to another specialist in KL. Whose diagnosed him with cancer, at stage 3! that news took us by shock..of course since we knew that uncle as a healthy and joyful was not too long, until dia dijempot pulang ke rahmatullah...
i was dumbfounded..i can remembered that event still, my mom relayed that news to me tru phone, since i was thousands of miles away from home...harapnye roh beliau berserta roh-roh arwah keluarga yg lain sentiasa di limpahi least they were know blessed to be with Him..kita ne? wallahualam..
and another thing that ive learnt..appreciate la your loved ones while they can still be appreciated..ive passed few ugly experiences of losing loved ones, luckily i dont have regrets of not cherising those moments with them while i still can...
hubby, mak, abah, riky, sisters, brothers, nieces, nephews, my big families and dear friends...i love you peeps with all my heart....Allah bless!
takotnye dengar..bukan late neighbour dulu was diagnosed with dengue...and he was treated due to that...after sometime his platelet remained static, and he was again referred to another specialist in KL. Whose diagnosed him with cancer, at stage 3! that news took us by shock..of course since we knew that uncle as a healthy and joyful was not too long, until dia dijempot pulang ke rahmatullah...
i was dumbfounded..i can remembered that event still, my mom relayed that news to me tru phone, since i was thousands of miles away from home...harapnye roh beliau berserta roh-roh arwah keluarga yg lain sentiasa di limpahi least they were know blessed to be with Him..kita ne? wallahualam..
and another thing that ive learnt..appreciate la your loved ones while they can still be appreciated..ive passed few ugly experiences of losing loved ones, luckily i dont have regrets of not cherising those moments with them while i still can...
hubby, mak, abah, riky, sisters, brothers, nieces, nephews, my big families and dear friends...i love you peeps with all my heart....Allah bless!
August 25, 2009
** these past few weaks..**

hello alll...sorry for the long's been a while since ive jotted down few lines..bukan apa,things had been pretty hectic nowdays...first with the travelling to n fro to office and back..then kenduri at my place..riky cukor jambul after so long..*sorry dear, and a week after that im down with high fever and asthma, and after 5 days blood test showed that im dengue positive, plus under observation due to that scary-influenza...
my my..what a combination...sedey mmg sedey..actually its more towards dissapointment..tapi ada blessing in disguise gak...mebbe this is a way God gives me in order for me to take a step aside and rest for the hectic lifestyle..its more interesting when 2 days before i was admitted my boss called me and inform about him leaving for knee operation, and wanting me to take over his jobs during his absence...and mind you his absence is not a plain absence..we're talking about 2 months absence! my jaw dropped *whatta hell? ive been here less then 2 months, and now with this work load, can i cope? hahah..before i have the answer, God apparently had better plans for me, yea that is to ground me in Ward 409...bottles n bottles of sodium and glucose, with nearly 10 tablets to be gulped down...
until i put those tablets in the drawer and hubby finally discovered about me not consuming those drugs as per intruscted...yea yea i got pretty good lecture from him...but how can i tell that it is quite erm erm aaa fed up to take all that 5-7 tablets at one time? but oke ive kicked out that habits, and now dilligently gulping down those tablets...
mekasih mak and families, for taking care of little Riky when i was warded...and not to see his face in that couple of days is definitely am killing me...tapi better tak bawak gi spital rather than make his health jeopardised...
and first day pose kat ward? trust dont want to experience that...take care of yourself readers, stay healthy k...hubby? mekasih tido merengkot dalam sleeping bag kat sofa that few days...
my my..what a combination...sedey mmg sedey..actually its more towards dissapointment..tapi ada blessing in disguise gak...mebbe this is a way God gives me in order for me to take a step aside and rest for the hectic lifestyle..its more interesting when 2 days before i was admitted my boss called me and inform about him leaving for knee operation, and wanting me to take over his jobs during his absence...and mind you his absence is not a plain absence..we're talking about 2 months absence! my jaw dropped *whatta hell? ive been here less then 2 months, and now with this work load, can i cope? hahah..before i have the answer, God apparently had better plans for me, yea that is to ground me in Ward 409...bottles n bottles of sodium and glucose, with nearly 10 tablets to be gulped down...
until i put those tablets in the drawer and hubby finally discovered about me not consuming those drugs as per intruscted...yea yea i got pretty good lecture from him...but how can i tell that it is quite erm erm aaa fed up to take all that 5-7 tablets at one time? but oke ive kicked out that habits, and now dilligently gulping down those tablets...
mekasih mak and families, for taking care of little Riky when i was warded...and not to see his face in that couple of days is definitely am killing me...tapi better tak bawak gi spital rather than make his health jeopardised...
and first day pose kat ward? trust dont want to experience that...take care of yourself readers, stay healthy k...hubby? mekasih tido merengkot dalam sleeping bag kat sofa that few days...
July 10, 2009
* welcome onboard..and the journey begins!*
Last monday was the day where everything should start fresh for house, new budget, new route, new colleagues, new so called cubicle, new subordinates, new superiors..and whatever it is, it shall start with the word new..what is not so new is my sleeping still f deprive of it, am badly longing for one..altho my mom has done a wonderful job of taking care little riky in my absence..and err also during my presence *sorry sorry mom!! i still dont manage to cater back to everything just yet! everything is kinda overwhelming to me right now..
spirit spirit where are you..i need you and your motivational friend with me. mind is tired, wrinkles pumpped up under eyes n faces like there's no other place to stay *thanks to caffeine and bad sleeping habit, the kinda long journey towards work has kinda taken its toll..well dont blame me pls, ive never worked this far before, all this while it has been like out-of-balcony and voila..i can see my office from there! now no more..sob is= morning rush, once you opened up your eyes..your adrenaline will start pumping up and will only subside when sun about to set down..
i know i know..ive been complaining too much..should have feel more grateful to have secure a job in shortest time available. oke mistake. im not complaining, am totally truly grateful for the AlMighty blessing towards me. and yea, you cant get everything you wish to in life..its not thaat simple, mind you. but look at the bright side and cheer up..
and my bright side is? by still having supportive family to chip in around, and of course little Riky's smile and cooing...guess nothing like Riky's puking onto my Gucci bag can beats that!
spirit spirit where are you..i need you and your motivational friend with me. mind is tired, wrinkles pumpped up under eyes n faces like there's no other place to stay *thanks to caffeine and bad sleeping habit, the kinda long journey towards work has kinda taken its toll..well dont blame me pls, ive never worked this far before, all this while it has been like out-of-balcony and voila..i can see my office from there! now no more..sob is= morning rush, once you opened up your eyes..your adrenaline will start pumping up and will only subside when sun about to set down..
i know i know..ive been complaining too much..should have feel more grateful to have secure a job in shortest time available. oke mistake. im not complaining, am totally truly grateful for the AlMighty blessing towards me. and yea, you cant get everything you wish to in life..its not thaat simple, mind you. but look at the bright side and cheer up..
and my bright side is? by still having supportive family to chip in around, and of course little Riky's smile and cooing...guess nothing like Riky's puking onto my Gucci bag can beats that!
June 30, 2009
** a sad sad day..**
**'s a sad parting moments..well..parting moments are meant to be sad, but this kind of sad is slightly different, its more like the hollow kind of sad..the emptiness and sorrowness..ok ok, im slightly exaggerating but wasnt my fault to be bit emotional during my last day in this IFX MAL office..
like what my speach had preached, it is easy to leave the company, but it will never be easy to leave my friends behind..despite our different race, cultural background, we manage to understand each other in professional and friendship way..Tho it is never a plain sailing especially between me n my Boss, we reap the ties together and moved glad to have him as my boss actually...he taught me a lot, and did annoy me big time too...hehe..
but tell me, who doesnt such emotion at their's how you adapt to those things and get comfortable with for myself, as im getting more comfortable in my seat, about to lift my legs up, suddenly i have to put them down again and start new moves...
and spare can be quite scary at some point...
tributes to my soon to be X colleagues or dear's always clean fun to have had you Bosses..thank you for standing up for sincerest apologies should ive offended you in any way, i never meant it to be that way...
keep in locks!
like what my speach had preached, it is easy to leave the company, but it will never be easy to leave my friends behind..despite our different race, cultural background, we manage to understand each other in professional and friendship way..Tho it is never a plain sailing especially between me n my Boss, we reap the ties together and moved glad to have him as my boss actually...he taught me a lot, and did annoy me big time too...hehe..
but tell me, who doesnt such emotion at their's how you adapt to those things and get comfortable with for myself, as im getting more comfortable in my seat, about to lift my legs up, suddenly i have to put them down again and start new moves...
and spare can be quite scary at some point...
tributes to my soon to be X colleagues or dear's always clean fun to have had you Bosses..thank you for standing up for sincerest apologies should ive offended you in any way, i never meant it to be that way...
keep in locks!
June 29, 2009
** still in awe **
** like the still in awe..still walking on air, or to be precised thin air..when laa this jetlagged gonna fade biological clock and hormonal thingy had all gone never went this bad at other trips...
** im gettting olllld!..thats y my body seemed to not sustain all these whoohoos..urrgh i guess it it is all in my mind...chant** its all in my mind...chant** its all in my mind....chant** its all in miiin sleepy...uwaaa its not working..
** im gettting olllld!..thats y my body seemed to not sustain all these whoohoos..urrgh i guess it it is all in my mind...chant** its all in my mind...chant** its all in my mind....chant** its all in miiin sleepy...uwaaa its not working..
**back after 2 weeks out**
*phew..dat 2 wonderful blissful weeks had passed, in a jiffy! apart from being tanned, truly deeply am missin my darlin riky every second.., I was so truly glad to have the oppurtunity to become His AlMighty's guest.. was awesome, the omra'/umrah trip was unspeakable, the experience of seeing the image which imprinted on your prayer mat was urgh..arggh..erm.. like i said was darn unspeakable! i believe that each one of you who had the oppurtunity to perfom one would be giving different kind of's like youre in different kind of mode, setting..different jibes..and your tear machine will runs automatically!
had an oppurtunity to go tru Cairo Egypt before view one of the 7 wonders infront of me had yea again made me on earth can these ancient people put up these blocks together? and mind you, these blocks are all still stand still, and safe for me to say that each or most of these blocks are all higher than me! ( hey im not thaaat short oke...hehehe ) I said are here because they still remain astounding there like the ageing decades havent done anything to them...well not anything actually, the Sphinx's beard was actually skinned out by the winds or forces of nature..
weather is scorching hot..well that weathercasts few days before i flown out surely sent me some can i sustain that 46 47 deg cels? i did i did..praise to Allah i managed to hold that heat without much issues...He is surely the Greatest to grant me that...
** to be continued was awesome, the omra'/umrah trip was unspeakable, the experience of seeing the image which imprinted on your prayer mat was urgh..arggh..erm.. like i said was darn unspeakable! i believe that each one of you who had the oppurtunity to perfom one would be giving different kind of's like youre in different kind of mode, setting..different jibes..and your tear machine will runs automatically!
had an oppurtunity to go tru Cairo Egypt before view one of the 7 wonders infront of me had yea again made me on earth can these ancient people put up these blocks together? and mind you, these blocks are all still stand still, and safe for me to say that each or most of these blocks are all higher than me! ( hey im not thaaat short oke...hehehe ) I said are here because they still remain astounding there like the ageing decades havent done anything to them...well not anything actually, the Sphinx's beard was actually skinned out by the winds or forces of nature..
weather is scorching hot..well that weathercasts few days before i flown out surely sent me some can i sustain that 46 47 deg cels? i did i did..praise to Allah i managed to hold that heat without much issues...He is surely the Greatest to grant me that...
** to be continued
June 5, 2009
** friends indeed...**
** uu wat a very interesting lunch date ive had just now, with two lovely friends who have different kind of personalities and stories...but i think it was me who kept on babbling all the time, and managed to finish most of the not-so-tasty food..geez thanks to Eliz for keep on pouring that tomyam inside my bowl with Pojiah looking intently as tho saying- i cant bloody believe that you can still stomach down all that err food? heheh...well pojiah, i guess it's because im just plain happy to see both of you, like it or not the only single thing that connects us is our or shall i say my soon to be x-company...but erm that was only at the beginning of this wonderful we share pretty much lots of things...and not a sec hesitance for me to say that they are quite a friend indeed...
** hmmph..which floods me back with old time stories...boring stuff but it does f hurt me a lot whenever it crosses my mind...and mind you, it tend to cross my brain cells regardless of any specific time, like when you have nothing else to do....or sprung out of nowhere, i feel the pain, it hurts, eventho when youre in the mid of colourful rainbows..! see...thats why it is sometimes not so great to have bff in a way, cause ppl tend to have build their own agenda and plot behind despite being that i-die-for-you-anytime buddy...
im not saying all of you peeps..there are truly a bunch of good ones, but this other type of ppl does exist..and they make it prominent by hurting their so called bff...well..bull with all the apologies or crocodile tears after that...x-friend, lightning doest strike twice..and i f truly learnt my lesson, hard.....
** hmmph..which floods me back with old time stories...boring stuff but it does f hurt me a lot whenever it crosses my mind...and mind you, it tend to cross my brain cells regardless of any specific time, like when you have nothing else to do....or sprung out of nowhere, i feel the pain, it hurts, eventho when youre in the mid of colourful rainbows..! see...thats why it is sometimes not so great to have bff in a way, cause ppl tend to have build their own agenda and plot behind despite being that i-die-for-you-anytime buddy...
im not saying all of you peeps..there are truly a bunch of good ones, but this other type of ppl does exist..and they make it prominent by hurting their so called bff...well..bull with all the apologies or crocodile tears after that...x-friend, lightning doest strike twice..and i f truly learnt my lesson, hard.....
June 4, 2009
** riky baby honey **
** riky didnt sleep that much again last night..unlike proud daddy who snored all the way :))
well..being a mommy has granted you the amazing ability or hunch to feel that your little bundle is indeed in the middle of pain, feeling uncomfortable or wanting to be entertained..reason i say this? had woke up in the mid of rainy night, instinct doesnt feel right somewhere, quick look inside the cradle and to my horror, riky is about to take an overturn in it! sprung out from the bed Just In Time, riky looked at me with this owh-whatta-heck-mom- im-actually-testing-my backbone look..hmm darling, just not yet oke..on the other hand..japanese must be proud with me JIT ability...:P
my oh my....i cursed myself for being soo tired and therefore had turned into helpless jello, riky normally sleeps in the mid of daddy n mommy...but last nite? my sleepyhead had took over my conscience..ive been possessed! well..not exorcised but by my own negligence...had left zikry in the cradle and had had this imagination that i'll wake up soon and later will scoop him back on the bed with us..
eventually that's not what had happened..stupid mommy, am so sorry baby riky honey..promise mommy'll double dose my Examo vitamin ! :))
well..being a mommy has granted you the amazing ability or hunch to feel that your little bundle is indeed in the middle of pain, feeling uncomfortable or wanting to be entertained..reason i say this? had woke up in the mid of rainy night, instinct doesnt feel right somewhere, quick look inside the cradle and to my horror, riky is about to take an overturn in it! sprung out from the bed Just In Time, riky looked at me with this owh-whatta-heck-mom- im-actually-testing-my backbone look..hmm darling, just not yet oke..on the other hand..japanese must be proud with me JIT ability...:P
my oh my....i cursed myself for being soo tired and therefore had turned into helpless jello, riky normally sleeps in the mid of daddy n mommy...but last nite? my sleepyhead had took over my conscience..ive been possessed! well..not exorcised but by my own negligence...had left zikry in the cradle and had had this imagination that i'll wake up soon and later will scoop him back on the bed with us..
eventually that's not what had happened..stupid mommy, am so sorry baby riky honey..promise mommy'll double dose my Examo vitamin ! :))
** am missing it...f loads!**
miss la..all the good days three f years back..that dudes n dudettes...gosh how much we've gone tru..the ups n downs...the journey was unbelievably entertaining and fullfilling..
goodness...*sigh* yea more livin in pretty kukuland cant be that awesome all the time..**
duuuude..we should by any means get together you know..for the sake of ol' times..
love ya'all..**
goodness...*sigh* yea more livin in pretty kukuland cant be that awesome all the time..**
duuuude..we should by any means get together you know..for the sake of ol' times..
love ya'all..**
June 3, 2009
June 2, 2009
* dis is too bloody much*
** man, this is too damn much, dont think that im gonna comply this time.
dude, eat it up, i wont oblige big time.. or ever! u got to deal with your own mess, absolutely am not your mop, always be there to tarnish back whatever shite being left by you..
urrgghhh...definitely not my idea to 'enjoy' my last days..
dude, eat it up, i wont oblige big time.. or ever! u got to deal with your own mess, absolutely am not your mop, always be there to tarnish back whatever shite being left by you..
urrgghhh...definitely not my idea to 'enjoy' my last days..
May 28, 2009
** sorry baby Riky **
** baby riky...sorry for being an avid fan of yours..reason behind mommy needs to drag you here wiv me and leaves you with strangers..dun worry son, they're all loving strangers really glad ive met them...guess its the blesssings from Him..**
** and baby...sorry mommy n daddy will again leaves you with nenek for 2 weeks..our bad..well..ure too small honey, otherwise we'll readily tag you along wiv us in dat trip..**
* shoot, boss's ere..yea not bloggin..juz crunching some data for that lil project of yours...**
*phewww...and he bought it! wakakakakakka
** and baby...sorry mommy n daddy will again leaves you with nenek for 2 weeks..our bad..well..ure too small honey, otherwise we'll readily tag you along wiv us in dat trip..**
* shoot, boss's ere..yea not bloggin..juz crunching some data for that lil project of yours...**
*phewww...and he bought it! wakakakakakka
** whoot?**
seriously...i mean whootta f?
im leavin and yet another project for me to succumb to?
boss you must be jokin..thought is a honeymoon period..
yeah that was what im being told to, now no more all the fantasies ive deemed earlier in my mind can be materialised...
im leavin and yet another project for me to succumb to?
boss you must be jokin..thought is a honeymoon period..
yeah that was what im being told to, now no more all the fantasies ive deemed earlier in my mind can be materialised...
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