Malam tu..guess what? we went to experience the great river Nile at night..cruising of course..
tapi ada suprising element lain aa plak..apa dia?'s the Egyptian delicacies-tarian gelek aa..haha..u cannot imagine how the mutawwif's face when that belly-pierced girl came out..things were fine at first, background interesting we are, on the way to perform holy Umrah and ziarah..tetiba ada plak la free show..wakakakaa
my fren and myself were laughing..mana taknye, because both of us were like pushing our hubbies and teasing them telling that they must be enjoying the show..ahah men..sape yg tak kan..
things were getting hotter..dah la belly dancer tu dok pusin2 depan kiterang..and mind you..we sat at front table so such a clear view infront of us! then mutawwif bangun naik upper deck, so does my hunny bunny pon bangun and motioned to myself to naik upper deck..
phew..things are much cooler up here :)windy breezy Nile-like feeling
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