Landed in Cairo awal pagi, at airport je, hubby da start to call home..*hello..assalamualaikum mak..kiterang da sampai da..Mak..adik ok?* haha..itu yang benarnya..checking out on little zikry la..erm of course,to leave our baby back home was the hardest decision i ever made..tapi atas nawaitu tu, tawakkal je la..
Cairo..was a historical and full with epic place. actually, Cairo itself is not much a place to visit, lagi thrill if you can spend more days to visit Iskandariah..then only your visit to Egypt is considered complete!
owh yea..did i mention about my hubby's phone bill raking up thousands..hahah..mana taknye, everyday call Zikry..dengar dia cooing and crying makes us burst with happiness..ya Allah besar sungguh kurnia Mu pada hamba mu yang hina ini..terima kasih Allah kerana mengurniakan Zikry kepada kami..
there's one time kat Cairo, we were so tired after visited the pyramid during daytime, so we only tapau our food- some kind of nasi minyak/ default per person got one bungkus la..when we arrived back at our hotel room, unwrapped the food and finished off satu bungkus sorang..memang la food tu baanyaak, ample of them for a person but since me n hubby are as hungry as wolves, we managed to finish off the food *burp..
next morning tu, turun la brekpes..then most of them bawak turun nasik tu..and within our tables, they were chatting * ye la mmg banyak kan nasik tu, tak habis..a ah..aunty pon satu bungkus makan 2 orang pon tak abes tu yang bawak turun brekpes nak heat up tu...* WHAAAT? satu bungkus makan 2 orang tak abes? then wat about us?yang makan sorang satu tapi still macam tak cukop?, when they threw that question to me..abes ke makan..i just nodded without direction apenye entah la...ahahahhahah
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