sebab nyaaa sebabnya adalah sebab reason to feel happy! hahahah mesti lagi pening nak paham.
ok la, I've gotten myself a new housemate, well i knew this long 9 months ago. it is now only that he decided to really join us another homies.
It's a boy!! again! well it didn't come as a surprise to me but sure hell to my other boys ( not to the ketua kumpulan tho *smirk )
My other angels have infact day tau its a boy since dalam perut lagi tapi tah la napa abang is macam in state of denial. eh eh, dia plak yg frust. just to quote him- Ma, boy lagi kee during the ultrasound session ?? macam April ( his younger bro ) ni?? hahahahah di situ menceritakan seribu penderitaan nampaknya si abang sulung ni sebab sabar melayan kerenah abang ngah.
ikotkan mmg la bila dah ada boys, nak girl la plak kan, tapi who am i really. who am i to wah macam best nak semua jadi according to my desire? hell no lah. rukun iman yang last- percaya pada qada' n qadar. so lets just stick to it.
so many many many other reasons for us to feel happy. why? it sounds cliche to you? I got a news for you, IT IS!. That if you, choose to look at it that way. But hey, looking at a simple point, to just being able to have a healthy pair of eyes, so that you can see yourself in the mirror surely explains a lot of reasons for someone that is unhappy to be contend enough. Don't you think so? I mean come on, how many ppl out there that are so longing to see themselves, and here we are complaining that our eyebrows are not properly done! Am not asking you to be elated, but start to see small things in life that you're cherished with, insyaAllah you'll be ok...

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