Most ppl tau Shaklee as a MLM company je. Ada betul nya kat situ. But it is much more than being a MLM company.
What Shaklee offers are actually bukan cerita atas angin yang hebat belaka aja. It is still holding to no pain no gain.
No pyramid scheme yang mencekik sesapa yang dok kat bawah. in fact yang kat bawah kalo lebih rajin and komited, anytime dia leh potong yang kat atas. Jadi tiada istilah dok mengkayakan orang atas.
Yang lebih prominent lg on what Shaklee does is, dengan izin Allah it helps us to maintain healthy. Pemakanan supplement yang betul dan teratur, pengambilan plain water yang mencukupi, exercise moderately, insyaAllah kesihatan akan terjaga.
Itu yang saya suka pasal Shaklee. The idea of MLM always throw me under the bus, but this time round? Saya rasa ok, and free! Body dapat benefit, poket lagi la dapat extra income, mind in peace, so what's the fuss..
Tak cuba tak tau, this i apply to myself dulu. I was such a pain in the ass when it comes to joining such thing, but after i do myself a favour by consuming these supplements and experience its goodness, it has become a no regret journey.
Well i guess it never will :)

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