It is because Allah yang tau my bitter sweet journey of breast feeding.
So to mommies out there, i truly can feel your feelings of really wanting to give the best to your babies but yet for some reason the milk gland doesnt seem to agree with you.
But do you realize that, by being frustrated and emotional is not going to help you with the issue, let alone solving it. Worse still, it only adds up to your misery, since I believe your brain signal out this negative energy to your body hence breast is not cooperating, again!
Ive experienced this, been in this shoes before. My milk supply only reached 1 oz when i watched my nipple being sucked out of milk during pumping. But when I did the pumping session while watching a good movie on the tv, I managed to fill up the bottle in no time! see? I was so busy distracted by the movie and ignored the process, and yet Alhamdulillah my breast cooperated fully! Am not so sure whether it was because im happy so breast is happy and produced more milk or vice versa.
There was a time when my milk supply reached negative supply. MasyaAllah I panicked but I knew I needed to do something really badly and urgently. See now breast feeding does not comes natural anymore like the time of our mothers but now, it seemed that you have to be armed with correct knowledge to ensure you get optimum results. Correct knowledge are for example how to latch, correct postures, benefits and etc.
Dont ever give up. I have to admit, i do feel so at times. But by looking at this little bundle of joy, I cant. So i stepped up my game.
You can to. Try this milkbooster set by Shaklee. Loads of satisfied customers based on their testimonials.

After you feel that youve laid everything out on the table, leave it to Allah.
For He knows the best.
Feel free to 017-6617882 me. Be glad to help..
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