February 7, 2014

Vitamin B complex is making me fat? Ease my stress?

Aswt & Good day all..

Hari ni nak cerita pasal supplement B complex by Shaklee. Facts about this vitamin B:

1) Ia adalah vitamin larut air. So kalo consume this vitamin n bila wee wee tengok urine jadi mcm bright yellow, jangan la panic ye..banyak-banyak minum plain water..Ini kerana sebarang lebihan tidak akan disimpan di dalam badan sebaliknya akan dicernakan melalui sistem perkumuhan.

2) Sebaik-baik nya di ambil pada waktu pagi selepas sarapan untuk keberkesanan yang lebih optimum.

3) B Complex Shaklee mempunyai 8 komponen penting vitamin B, termasuklah 100% Biotin dan asid folik.

4) Asid folik adalah merupakan komponen yang penting dalam menggalakkan tumbesaran yang sihat bagi bayi yang dikandung serta boleh membantu mengelakkan spina bifida. Jadi inilah ikhtiar kita, insyaAllah..

Sometimes, the feedback that you might get from those yang makan supplement ni is about the increment of their appetite. Thus, they come up with a not-so-true conclusion that this B complex supplement is indeed making them fat. Eat more--> fat, see?

Well, let me explain a lil bit more in order for you to understand deeper why this thing takes place. First thing and foremost, one should understand how actually this B vit works, and its function.

- According to wellness.com, ' Some B vitamins help cells burn fats and glucose for energy. Others help make neurotransmitters like serotonin. And some B's assist with the production and repair of DNA'. Therefore, the simple derivation is, when you consume this vit B, it naturally will stimulates your metabolism and causes your body to release heat. In return, your glucose will be burn rapidly and causes you to feel hungry quicker.
Solution: Drink plenty of water, as suggested before, 1 liter goes for 25 kg, means if you are at 60 kg, at least you have to drink 2.5 l, and mind you that's the very minimal of it..

Let's dig deeper into what are the other benefits if we take up this B Complex supplement?
- Ease Stress
- Treat anxiety and depression
- Aid memory
- Relieve PMS
- Reduce heart-disease risk
* credit to wholeliving.com

Oh wow, it can helps out with your stress level! Helps your metabolism and stress level as well, what can be better than that combo eh?

Interested? Can always pm or reach me at 017-6617882 for more info..

Much love!

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