May 28, 2009

** sorry baby Riky **

** baby riky...sorry for being an avid fan of yours..reason behind mommy needs to drag you here wiv me and leaves you with strangers..dun worry son, they're all loving strangers really glad ive met them...guess its the blesssings from Him..**

** and baby...sorry mommy n daddy will again leaves you with nenek for 2 weeks..our bad..well..ure too small honey, otherwise we'll readily tag you along wiv us in dat trip..**

* shoot, boss's ere..yea not bloggin..juz crunching some data for that lil project of yours...**

*phewww...and he bought it! wakakakakakka

** whoot?**

seriously...i mean whootta f?
im leavin and yet another project for me to succumb to?

boss you must be jokin..thought is a honeymoon period..
yeah that was what im being told to, now no more all the fantasies ive deemed earlier in my mind can be materialised...
