February 24, 2014

Cabaran menangani cabaran

Bila ada cabaran mendatang, nak menangani nya pon adalah satu cabaran.

What need to be done, what has been done, what can be done.

Sometimes dalam mencari solution atau sedang mencari-cari, boleh langgar dinding weh. This is so not pleasant feeling.

Kenapa langgar dinding? Antara sebab langgar dinding bagi hemat saya yang masih mengumpul pengalaman ni:

1) Tiada atau kekurangan ilmu tentang masalah atau perkara yang terlibat dengan masalah. Pls bear in mind, ilmu tidak berkurang seiring masa, malah bertambah lg. ini kerana sesuatu penambahbaikan terhadap sesuatu perkara akan always takes place.

2) Willing to learn. We might be a champ in our own area but not necessarily our knowledge applies with others. Hence it is equally important for you entrepeneurs to listen and work things out. You'll stumbled, but to keep on walking you just have to raise again and take that step. Be open to any positive changes. One door closes, many more opens, have u ever came accross such perumpaan?

3) No idea is a bad idea. Brainstorm! I do this with my workers. You'll suprise urself with lots of new unseen views before, because they are giving their input based on their perspective. So logically you'll get opinions from both sides of world. Dont underestimate them. Value them. 

4) Agree to disagree. These ideas might become very opinioted hence leading to a more deeper discussion that eventually can crack a solution! But, put emotion in the bag ok, we dont need anyone in the hospital now do we?

At times, you'll get frustrated n want to quit. No i will not blame or judge you. Because ive been there guys! Or else those mumblings above are baseless. What i do is i sit back n try to see a bigget picture. Why am i doing this? Do i need to this and do i want to?

And eventually i understand. This is what i am made to be. Its meant to be. This is all a learning curve, part of success journey.  

And what breaks me cannot kill me. And you too. You just have to pick up where you left, have faith and keep on going.

Allah loves those who dont give up unnecessarily. He knows best. Doa byk2 k. For He is the ultimatum.

February 22, 2014

Kebaikan jadi member Shaklee

Dulu makan je supplemen Shaklee ni. Ada perubahan dari segi kesihatan, syukur Alhamdulillah.

Lepas tu dgr je cerita kakak buat side income dgn hanya berkongsi kebaikan supplemen selain menyerahkan urusan rezeki bulat-bulat pada Allah. Masih lagi skeptikal, but not to later one.

Bila tgk plak sistem yang tak menindas, lps tu bonus dia masuk, ehh ni tak bole jadi ni. Takkan melongo je tengok padahal peluang ada depan mata kan.

Ok fine, malas nak pikir panjang, i got nothing to lose right? I mean you pay RM75 for lifetime membership. Atau beli barang bersamaan 200 point dan membership comes free. So i decided to join.

And yes, banyak mende berubah lepas tu. My attitude, RM dalam poket, positive changes la of course geng! Syukur!

Sebab dulu ingat bila similar bussiness concept je kene buat sales gila2 and maintain point, hell no actually!

Shaklee is not MLM, it emphasizes on network marketing. This is a business at your own pace, masyaAllah you just have to follow and duplicate the system. And system is not that complicated like bloody theorem in uni, hehe...

Do it at your level best, and leave the rest to Allah. This is the concept that my Amazing team has embedded in us, members.

Hey, an extra money at your leisure time, plus kesihatan bertambah baik, tipu la kalo taknak kan?

So dont waste time, reach me at 017-6617882 if youre interested to. Also, harga Shaklee is mampu milik k, trust me, ive tried few other products, and this comes much cheaper than it seems to. Plus, it's natural and proven to. :)

February 20, 2014

Kerispatih - Tapi Bukan Aku


What you neeed to know about resdung aka sinus

Resdung atau sinusitis jika tidak dikawal bakal membawa implikasi yg lbh besar, like kene operate hidung. Waaaaaaa!

Apakah sinus atau resdung itu??

It is commonly caused by viral infection that has eventually causing secondary infection n thus affecting your 4 pairs of sinuses. Our pairs of sinuses are
-behind your forehead< -either side of the bridge of your nose -behind your eyes -behind your cheekbones According to NHS: Your sinuses open up into the cavity of your nose and help control the temperature and water content of the air reaching your lungs. The mucus that's naturally produced by your sinuses usually drains into your nose through small channels. These channels can become blocked when the sinuses are infected and inflamed.The sinuses behind the cheekbones (the largest ones) are most commonly affected. Ohh rupanya sinus can be controlled at its early stage.. Step up your body immune system. Shaklee vitamin B and vitamin C have all the needed formula to helps you maintaining general health. Now im not talking about magic pill here ok? You have to be istiqamah n drink plenty of water, know ur allergents..supplements are here to help, not curing, kindly get this right.. Shaklee's sustained release Vitamin C is so affordable taking into consideration the benefit and how long it will lasts..likewise vitamin B.

I will encourage all you my beautiful readers to incorporate these supplements into your daily diet..

Pls whatsapp, text or reach me at 017-6617882 for more details on Shaklee supplements.

Much love!

February 13, 2014

It just feels right

This is what i do every week. To be fair what i tried to my level best to do each week.

Is to spend short yet meaningful, brief yet loaded with love and love..

Hari ni ada plus one, si minion! ❤❤❤

February 12, 2014

Banyak susu badan. My breast feeding journey.

Ok sebelum taip ni i hela nafas panjang.

It is because Allah yang tau my bitter sweet journey of breast feeding.

So to mommies out there, i truly can feel your feelings of really wanting to give the best to your babies but yet for some reason the milk gland doesnt seem to agree with you.


But do you realize that, by being frustrated and emotional is not going to help you with the issue, let alone solving it. Worse still, it only adds up to your misery, since I believe your brain signal out this negative energy to your body hence breast is not cooperating, again!

Ive experienced this, been in this shoes before. My milk supply only reached 1 oz when i watched my nipple being sucked out of milk during pumping. But when I did the pumping session while watching a good movie on the tv, I managed to fill up the bottle in no time! see? I was so busy distracted by the movie and ignored the process, and yet Alhamdulillah my breast cooperated fully! Am not so sure whether it was because im happy so breast is happy and produced more milk or vice versa.

There was a time when my milk supply reached negative supply. MasyaAllah I panicked but I knew I needed to do something really badly and urgently. See now breast feeding does not comes natural anymore like the time of our mothers but now, it seemed that you have to be armed with correct knowledge to ensure you get optimum results. Correct knowledge are for example how to latch, correct postures, benefits and etc.

Dont ever give up. I have to admit, i do feel so at times. But by looking at this little bundle of joy, I cant. So i stepped up my game.

You can to. Try this milkbooster set by Shaklee. Loads of satisfied customers based on their testimonials.

After you feel that youve laid everything out on the table, leave it to Allah.

For He knows the best.

Feel free to 017-6617882 me. Be glad to help..

February 11, 2014

Demotivation. What to do?

I am a positive person, no argue about it..but being a normal homo sapien, i do have my low times. I have my fair share of being demotivated and that feeling comes with a lots of doubts n queries.

My little advice, ignore them, dont ignore them!! Ignore that particular negative feelings, but you dont need to unnecessarily ignore the reasons why are you feeling that way..

Lots of reasons why we succumb to these low feelings. Only you and your very ownself can identify why. Once youve figured out then its time to take necessary action. 
Ok i know its not gonna be easy but you can do it. Solve them. Find legal and working measures. Dont underestimate yourself. It might take time but at least you are already on the road to recovery.

There's always a first step for everything. Dont let yourself being carried away too far with negative feelings, realised it or not you are actually feeding your soul with invisible poison.

Worthy things need worthy actions to ensure that worthy effort is worth it!

February 9, 2014

Penting minum air banyak

Slalu dgr mende alah ni. Minum air byk2, air suam..my mom reminds me a lot about this one. Being a medical staff this avid reminder has always being thrown to  this daughter of hers.

Why is it so crucial to take up 3-4 litres of water per day?
- to dehydrate ur body. When the body is properly dehydrated, your cells n systems n organs can functionally work harmoniously.
- to detox. To bring out unwanted stuff from your body. Imagine this. Youre dehydrated yet the same amount of food gets in the body. Poor kidney has to put up to this by working extra harder in order to ensure the same biological process happens each time. 
- to ensure smooth biological operation your body. An interruption to a normal biological process can exhaust a lists of ailments that are often taken for granted, for example headaches, lethargic, bowel disruption, pimples, and eventually less peeing thus less unwanted stuff being carried out from our precious body.

As for me, those reasons are already speak for the importance of having to drink up 3-4 litres per day. Simple calculation should be 25 kg= 1 litre.

So where do you stand now?

February 8, 2014

Antara waktu mustajab berdoa

Pembaca sayang..

Apalah daya kita untuk menentukan segalanya..kerana ia sudah menjadi suratan qada dan qadar..

Tetapi Allah itu masyaAllah subhanaAllah amat-amat yang teramat menyayangi hamba-Nya..maka berusahalah kita dan dgn sehabis baik dan bertawakkal kepada Nya..

Doa seikhlas hati dan sejujur-jujurnya agar diberi kemudahan atas hidup dunia akhirat. Itu yg mampu mengubah qada kita dengan izinNya..


February 7, 2014

Vitamin B complex is making me fat? Ease my stress?

Aswt & Good day all..

Hari ni nak cerita pasal supplement B complex by Shaklee. Facts about this vitamin B:

1) Ia adalah vitamin larut air. So kalo consume this vitamin n bila wee wee tengok urine jadi mcm bright yellow, jangan la panic ye..banyak-banyak minum plain water..Ini kerana sebarang lebihan tidak akan disimpan di dalam badan sebaliknya akan dicernakan melalui sistem perkumuhan.

2) Sebaik-baik nya di ambil pada waktu pagi selepas sarapan untuk keberkesanan yang lebih optimum.

3) B Complex Shaklee mempunyai 8 komponen penting vitamin B, termasuklah 100% Biotin dan asid folik.

4) Asid folik adalah merupakan komponen yang penting dalam menggalakkan tumbesaran yang sihat bagi bayi yang dikandung serta boleh membantu mengelakkan spina bifida. Jadi inilah ikhtiar kita, insyaAllah..

Sometimes, the feedback that you might get from those yang makan supplement ni is about the increment of their appetite. Thus, they come up with a not-so-true conclusion that this B complex supplement is indeed making them fat. Eat more--> fat, see?

Well, let me explain a lil bit more in order for you to understand deeper why this thing takes place. First thing and foremost, one should understand how actually this B vit works, and its function.

- According to wellness.com, ' Some B vitamins help cells burn fats and glucose for energy. Others help make neurotransmitters like serotonin. And some B's assist with the production and repair of DNA'. Therefore, the simple derivation is, when you consume this vit B, it naturally will stimulates your metabolism and causes your body to release heat. In return, your glucose will be burn rapidly and causes you to feel hungry quicker.
Solution: Drink plenty of water, as suggested before, 1 liter goes for 25 kg, means if you are at 60 kg, at least you have to drink 2.5 l, and mind you that's the very minimal of it..

Let's dig deeper into what are the other benefits if we take up this B Complex supplement?
- Ease Stress
- Treat anxiety and depression
- Aid memory
- Relieve PMS
- Reduce heart-disease risk
* credit to wholeliving.com

Oh wow, it can helps out with your stress level! Helps your metabolism and stress level as well, what can be better than that combo eh?

Interested? Can always pm or reach me at 017-6617882 for more info..

Much love!

February 6, 2014

Mee Kuning Delimaz

Pernah dengar tak nama mee kuning Delimaz ni?

Mee kuning buatan bumiputera Islam yang unggul di pasaran. Sejak tahun 2007, Alhamdulillah..

Delimaz ni kalo ikut sejarahnya, dulu dikenali sebagai jenama Delima. Lepas tu bila nk register ngan SIRIM and tengok nama Delima tu dah ada orang yang guna, so Syarikat Perniagaan IMB Sdn. Bhd. yang bertempat di Labu Negeri Sembilan mengambil langkah menukar nama jenama mee kuning ini daripada Delima ke Delimaz. Kira rebranding gitu. Dan terus memecut ever since.

Asalnya perniagaan mee kuning ni di asaskan oleh saudari Noraini Kamarudin dibantu oleh adik beradik beliau dengan sokongan ibu bapanya. Sebabnya adalah pada waktu itu, tahun 2007 kecoh mengenai mee kuning yang menggunakan asid borik yang melampau. Di tambah dengan kesedaran atas pentingya produk halal-toyyiban, maka keluarga Haji Kamaruddin B. Omar ini mengambil keputusan untuk menceburi bidang perniagaan makanan.

Walaupun pada asasnya, Syarikat Perniagaan IMB Sdn. Bhd. menjalankan perniagaan jenis jahitan, beg, sulaman dan tekstil.

Sekarang, Puan Noraini dibantu oleh Cik Nordiana iaitu adik beliau sendiri untuk memajukan lagi perniagaan Mee Kuning tersebut.
Bukan senang, tetapi atas sokongan padu Hj. Kamaruddin sendiri beserta adik beradik beliau yang lain, mereka perlahan-lahan mengorak langkah untuk menembusi pasaran yang selama ini dimonopoli oleh kaum lain.

Apa istimewanya mee Delimaz ni?

- Diiktiraf Halal oleh JAKIM.
- Proses pembuatan yang bersih dan 100% bebas dari unsur-unsur syubhah ( I witnessed this myself tau )
- Penggunaan bahan tambahan yang minimal, tiada kompromi.
- Sedap! ( Ini berdasarkan maklum balas pelanggan tau, no syiok sindri okehh..heheh )

To me penduduk area Selatan la yang beruntung. sebabnya mee Delimaz ini banyak menembusi pasaran area Selatan, meaning to say Seremban primarily, Selangor dan Melaka. Kalau kat Seremban boleh didapati di kedai-kedai runcit berdekatan, Mydin Terminal 2 dan Hypermarket Mydin Mall Seremban 2. Kalau kat Melaka, Mydin MITC, Melaka Bazaar dan pada pemborong kami Hj Zaidi di pasar basah. Mydin Putrajaya pon ada, di Presint 8 dan Presint 16 pon ada ye..

Ok kepada readers yang mahu kami dekat kepada anda, yang berminat menjadi pemborong dan pengedar area Selatan especially, boleh la telefon office IMB di nombor 06-7914080.

Apa-apa yang kita makan akan jadi darah daging, eventually membaluti hati. Sebab tu la kene jaga, especially bagi orang Islam, ini semua bersangkut paut dengan kesenangan dalam penerimaan pembelajaran especially hal-hal akhirat.

Sharing is caring! much love!!

February 5, 2014

Makan supplement Shaklee

Pemakanan x seimbang, high level of stress, working 8-10 hours per day at least with minimum physical activities..

Sounds like you? All these will affect you eventually..expedite aging, high cholesterol, diabetes and the list goes on..

Bila badan dah tak cergas, minda lagi la tak cerdas. Kalo rasa penat, lethargic je.. selsema and hay fever je memanjang, yep i do think u in need of supplement.. Cuba take a step back and evaluate what have u been putting in your body..

Macam2 supplement Shaklee ada yang insyaAllah bersesuaian dengan kita..

ikhtiar kene ada,itu usaha kita..minum air banyak, bersenam..  

Happy looking and anything just 017-6617882 me k..

Much love!

February 4, 2014

Kebaikan produk Shaklee = Shaklee Product Benefits

Aswt and Hello All...

Dalam kesibukan kita mengharungi kehidupan seharian, bukan semua orang dianugerahkan kesihatan baik yang berpanjangan.( Moga Allah memberkati kita semua ).

Kekdng kita dngar skrip- Eh aku makan ciiput jeh, tapi kalo naik scale jarumnye gerak naik berjengkal-jengkal..orang tu aku tgk mak aihh makan mcm esok takleh makan lagi tapi badan mantain jeh?
Laa awat menstrual aku datang tak regular ni..minah tu elok jeh?
Dan bermacam2 senario lagi..

Bukan semua orang dikurniakan tahap kesihatan yang sama. Serupa gak fizikal manusia, ada yg kurus, tinggi, berbadan besar, pendek..

Orang yang kurus pon kolesterol leh tinggi dan eventually lead kepada strok tau. Ini real case, happened to someone i know.

Ish Nauzubillah.

Baru cite bab kolesterol..Belum masuk bab kencing manis aka diabetes, high blood pressure and lebih hardcore nye heart attack and cancerous.

Banyak sebab. Our lifestyle, habit...stress level. Food intake definitely, low exercise level, this is only to name a few.

Therefore, it is essential or crucial I would say, to top up our nutrient. Bayangkan sel-sel kita yang bekerja keras dalam badan, organ-organ, sistem-sistem..mesin kalo tak diminyakkan, tak di-grease kan pon lelama akan meragam and berkarat. Kereta pon kalo tak ditukar minyak hitam, tak diservis and ikot time pon akan memberi kesan kepada enjin kereta..

Lebih kurang mcm tu la badan kita..Dont take things for granted. We do that all the time.

Bak kata pepatah Melayu, dah terhantuk baru terngadah. Bak kata orang putih plak, Prevention is better than cure.

Listen to your body signals, okey friends?

Suppelement Shaklee ada macam-macam that can be tailored to your needs..But please bear in mind ye, Shaklee is NOT a form of medicine or bertujuan untuk mengubati.. It is a supplement that first developed by an MD DR. Forrest C Shaklee. But why complain when you can get an alternative that is Au Naturale, green and proven works most of the time...

Dan harga nya insyaAllah tak la sampai merabakkan poket. Kalau kita berhabis beratus or some people even spend thousands on their outer appearance, I think it's wise to start invest on your health well-being now.

I mean right now! 017-6617882 me for any info k lo

Set Pantang Shaklee ni best ke?

Memang banyak set berpantang kat pasaran sekarang..you name it, it's all there.

Baik secara moden ataupun secara tradisional.

Terpulang juga pada kita untuk memilih supplemen atas beberapa pilihan :
1) Keberkesanan. tengok pada testimonial. do some research and homework. This is your body recovery period.

2) Komposisi set pantang tersebut. what's inside, is it natural, green, sintetik ke..

3) Kemudahan untuk makan, example dalam bentuk serbuk ke, pil yg besar bagak ke, byk sgt course dia ke..haihhh

4) Bajet. Murah, mahal, berbaloi, rugi?

ok point kat atas ni takde la mengikut importance level dia, sometimes it is up to a persons' need.

Macam eden, nak yg mudah, pantas, natural, praktikal and berbaloi. So utilize la set pantang Shaklee.

Alhamdulillah. Tu la. Kang org cakap saya nak jual produk lak, hehe..tapi if the product is good and speaks for itself, what im doing is sharing with my beloved readers yang sedang mencari-cari ke..at least you guys ada insight on what to purchase for your precious bodyyy..bole 017-6617882 me for more info on these awesome-est product ehhh..

Much love!!

What morning can do to you..:)

nothing actually. Morning cannot do anything to you.

The only thing that can do a thing to you is yourself.

Specifically your mind. A great mind is a great asset, Mr. Robert K quoted..

Its true! I mean your mind is such a great engine to your body. But one cannot rule out the importance of your heart in context feelings.

Once you get a good grip and 'd established a positive, tawakkal and redha state of mind, there's nothing you cannot achieve.

What morning can do to me is just reminding me i have a list of chores and dreams to chase on!

So dear readers, morning is such a great start for everyone. That's why in Islam solat sunat fajar ( 2 rakaat prayers after azan Subuh before performing Subuh prayers ) has a lot of hidden gems that we can only unlock if we do this with all our heart and soul.

Trust me, try it. Oh yea dont forget your Shaklee multivitamin and B-complex to helps you gear up the day!

Much love..

February 3, 2014

Shaklee Supplement Promotion- Month February 2014

So now masuk bulan February dah...Jeng Jeng..promo Shaklee untuk bulan ini adalah:

To those who are not aware of this supplement, the formula had infact been derived by a MD named Dr. Forrest C. Shaklee in 1915! The multivitamin at first was known as Vitalized Mineral. Bila combine, jadi la namanya VitaMin. Haaaa more less you can take it that Dr. Shaklee is the one whose introducing this world-widely used term.

Banyak manfaatnya. Lots of benefits. Another fact is, this Vitalea with iron dissolves faster when you mixed it with water. this experiment is done to visualize what's gonna happen in your stomach when your digestion takes place. Why is this important? Because no point you consume multivit that takes a long time to dissolve, hence all the nutrients will not be able to be absorbed properly. Example the multivit only disintegrate when it only reaches your small intestine or colon. When all the nutrients are not absorbed accordingly, your body will not be getting any of it..

For all my beautiful readers, best price available. 017-6617882 anytime :) Much love!

I am a Shaklee Independant Distributor ( SID 1094354 ) COD Seremban/ Labu/ Senawang/ Paroi/ Nilai/ Sendayan. Pos- Malaysia/Brunei/Indonesia/Singapore


diam tak diam dah dua bulan. Its been two months ive made up my mind to adjust my comfort zone. At first i thought i will need to move my ass out from my comfort zone, but yeah thats not necessarily the case.

All i need to do is only adjusting my comfort zone. not much of changes tho, except to me it's def about mind game.

To tell you the truth, im so sceptical at first, knowing that my first attempt with a MLM company failed. bukan failed macam mana, i wasnt being coached betul2, and my heart tak jatuh hati. ye la kalo tak jatuh hati mcm mana nak buat sungguh2 kan?

Reason being why i dont want to do this is because:
1) i dunno woo how to sell..haiyo very bad ( i think )
2) malu la nk approach org..( padahal nk share cerita baguih, apahal tah malu x bertempat )
3) ego. i think im doing ok thus i need not to do this. Tah papa la aku ni..( woii extra money wont hurt laaa, trust me! )

serupa gak ngan Shaklee ni..memula being approached, i frankly told my sister ( my upline ) that sorry kak, hati lom terbuka la..with that sentence comes a lot of emotion, not only mine but also my sister's. i bet she felt hurt a bit at that time but being a sister, she tried to understand and accept the fact that she has a foul-mouth sister ( i letttewwww, hehe ) tapi she did not give up..and somehow after i analysed and read and analysed and analysed ( eden mmg suka analyse, dah jadi tabiat wehh ) and finally came to a conclusion that i MUST give myself a chance to try. Somehow my mind agreed to agree this time!

And the journey begins. not bad at all. getting healthy. extra money. ish. cuma perlu duplicate system, amalan kerohanian jaga..this is really emphasized because you can do it as hard as you want to but at the end of the day it's still Allah's say..Bersangka baik la.

To me, ive proven my first thought of joining is so wrong. Can always PM or 017-6617882 me to know more..love loveeee