the motto what doesnt kill me makes me stronger works for me couple of times before when i've had few mishaps in my life..but the recent event collapsed me.
because? i didnt see this coming. i didnt even think that it might occured within my life journey...but it did. OK, compared to other ppl yes im still considered lucky since i have baby Z with me..but im just a human being, i need time to recover.
what happened? my lovely foetus heartbeat stopped beating at its 9 weeks. i came to know during my usual routine check up at its 10 n 1/2's seriously took me by suprise. ive heard its heartbeat during its 7 weeks, it was so damn strong, in fact stronger than baby Z during his time..that surely gives me good sign right but yeah who am i to decide my lifepath...
i accept whatever had happened to me, but like i said im just a normal homo sapiens. i need time to recover and grieve. a famous quote once says, grieving is the best healing medicine i think i'll hang to that at the moment.
whatever had tookplace, Allah surely has better plans for me, insyaAllah.i have faith. and im satisfied, since i think ive loved the foetus unconditionally during our moment 'together'..
I pray for dear readers not to undergo the same grievances and depression that Ive had to endure, but have faith and you'll be alright..