December 29, 2013

Ready for 2014?

Tuptap dah nk masuk 2014..
I feel like it was just yesterday 1st of Jan 2013 emerged ( halahhh cliche la sangatt)..

Tapi really,looking back..2013? Have i been doing enough justice to u? Have i fullfilled whatever ive promised i'll do within u? Have i?

Im not the type of person yg buat resolutions when its time to move to a brand new year..i make plans when necessary.plans penting to me,bcause it kinda gives u sense of direction what to do where to go ahead next. As much as being an impromptu person,im quite an OCD person mcm mana tu nak juggle both? 

Senang.buat what ure comfortable n have faith in..but doing what is comfortable at this age is never going to be the same with doing comfortable things 10 years back. Yep u have to be clever in that sense.

Im welcoming my 2014 with a new hairdo.kih kihh yes this is comfy-kind of impromptu act for me.

At this age of course ( yawn. Ya i know boringggg! Hahaha )