April 4, 2014

Haloo Ms Calcium!

Apa perlu makan calcium? Tak cukup2 ke dh dpt calcium dr makanan seharian?

Ok wait. Reality check. Adakah pemakanan yg presumably penuh calcium itu terdiri drp:
- Milk. Yep not a drop but glasses of them suited to your age needs accordingly.
A dedicated portion of cheese and yogurt, sardines (with bones), broccoli, peas, leafy greens (such as kale). 
- Or portions of almonds or Brazil nuts, sesame seeds, tofu, soymilk, blackstrap molasses as well as dried figs and apricots.

So? If you are able to fullfill above nutrient requirement from your daily food intake, wahhh syabbass!! But sadly in reality it does not work that way unfortunately..i dont blame u, no one will bcause our lifestyle can be super demanding this decade!

Worry no more! Shaklee has this specially formulated calcium supplement which comes with magnesium, wallaweyyy..no more excuses i can take this i cant consume that, because frankly, when we do that,we are sort off denying our body's bones to be at its perks.

Please, deny that osteoperosis or osteoathritis sign at the earliest possible..
Am not promosing moon n stars here, but heyy if it is not ourselves whose gonna take care of our own healthbeing, then who else's will..

017-6617882 for any queries k loves!

April 2, 2014

Your wife is hiding something?

She is grumpy. all of sudden. when you check the calendar, nope, not PMS time just yet. So why, what's wrong? Is it me, the hubby or is it just the wife?

Most husbands, i repeat most, not all, will tend to choose to ignore these change of behavior, they assume that things will get back to norm in no time. Nope. not a right move guys. This so-called self-centered moves only make the situation worsen.

So whats the deal actually?

There are various reasons for that. Be it she's tired of the house chores, plus if she's currently on 8-5 office job, that make it worse. But bear in mind it is not necessarily a career-minded wife only holds this grumpy issue, i put a safe bet that full-time housewives too always tend to experience with this kind of emotional roller coaster. And it only goes more bad if this particular group of housewives have had experienced working life before..

Ideally, wife will expect husbands to hold their hands and look right through their eyes and ask them :honey, what is wrong? ( ok ok i watched too much romantic movies, blerghhhh ). This whole thing ive described above seldom takes place in Asian community. This I will elaborate in my other entries, hahaha since the focus now is why is that grumpy and bossy mood suddenly, whats wrong wife? What is it that you are hiding?

Most of the time none. Yea, nada! nothing. We are so busy with the house chores, kids, wiping the table, kids having their meals, wipe the table again, picking up toys n restack them for 5 cycles minimum daily..That we eventually forgot that we are just plain mothers, wives that need our own break as well. Plus when u husbands came home and do not even bother to ask us how are we for the day, assuming that everything's balanced out..nope, i'm not leashing on my dear sweet hubby, these are example of situations that I've witnessed, personally.

Or perhaps husbands, your wife sudden change of behaviour might be because she found that you, yeah you had texted your ex asking how's her dad doing? while she, yeah your wife knows that you are 'dying' to actually know how is she, yeah ur ex is doing in her life..hahah.. go figure it out!

Shaklee Promosi April 2014 : Shaklee Month April 2014 Promotion


A new month, maksudnya new promotion. Jeng jenggggg!!

Apakah promosi untuk bulan ini?

So berbaloii baloii okeh guys..basically this Ostematrix is calcium-magnesium loaded. Cer tengok info kat bawah ni:

Besides, this supplement helps in easing down rasa sakit-sakit badan, lenguh2 pinggang, also untuk ibu-ibu menyusu..dah tentu untuk memenuhi keperluan kalsium harian kita. In long term, insyaAllah boleh mengelakkan kita dari penyakit osteoathritis dan osteoperosis.

Yang penting usaha kan..insyaAllah doa semoga dipermudahkan usaha memantapkan kesihatan.

Pls pm me at 017-6617882 to purchase..