September 19, 2011

Breast pump yang ok?

baby ni saya bertekad untuk breast feeding.

so saya pon berjalan2 la survey breast pump yang sesuai for myself, considering that it is one of the accessories needed in completing my mission, hihihihih

tapi hubby ckap, going for too many window shopping will not assist dalam memperbanyakkan susu badan..hahahha, kelakar lak ayat tu tapi i objected gak, i said says theory is, when we window shopped, we're kinda happy, relaxed and it will definitely promotes to breast milk production..!

balik pada topic tu, im torn in between avent single elect pump or medela freestyle terus. i preferred avent but the reviews didnt really sided them but weighed more towards medela tu yang dalam dilemma ni..
ingat nak beli satu yang i deemed reliable and need not to worry much about it later on,put aside milk production but in terms of the breastpump itself,-cepat rosak ke, ada parts dia cpt haus ke, tu semua la tu...

anyhow, i guess i still have time to consider, consider and consider..harap2 berjaya la mission kali ni, insyaAllah!

1 comment:

  1. Gor for medela FS. InsyaAllah, you won't regret. Mmg worth of investment, :)
