December 29, 2013

Ready for 2014?

Tuptap dah nk masuk 2014..
I feel like it was just yesterday 1st of Jan 2013 emerged ( halahhh cliche la sangatt)..

Tapi really,looking back..2013? Have i been doing enough justice to u? Have i fullfilled whatever ive promised i'll do within u? Have i?

Im not the type of person yg buat resolutions when its time to move to a brand new year..i make plans when necessary.plans penting to me,bcause it kinda gives u sense of direction what to do where to go ahead next. As much as being an impromptu person,im quite an OCD person mcm mana tu nak juggle both? 

Senang.buat what ure comfortable n have faith in..but doing what is comfortable at this age is never going to be the same with doing comfortable things 10 years back. Yep u have to be clever in that sense.

Im welcoming my 2014 with a new hairdo.kih kihh yes this is comfy-kind of impromptu act for me.

At this age of course ( yawn. Ya i know boringggg! Hahaha )

October 2, 2013

Weight: A lifetime battle

Ecececehh title sikit punya gempak.
Maunye tak,it has been my own personal battle eversince i cud remember..
Dulu waktu fifth former,i was haunted by this issue,hence me n my buddy launched a diet we pretty much adhered to..
No rice,sugary stuff,oil-laden foods and pretty fair amount of exercise with that good ol stepper of mine in my bedroom..

Oh yes! It works at that time.i managed to shed off 15 unwanted kgs in 3 months. Oh boyy it was such a joy i tell youu,bole muat certain baju,nampak tulang selangka (kehkehhkeh) and need not to worry much on health wise..

My mistake is i am not constant in exercising part.makan part yesss memang constant,itu takde masalah,heheh..tapi with student lifestyle ( ane neskepe tarikk une,maggi goreng skali aahh ) haaa after sometime the unwelcomed lemak datang bertenggek kt  tempat tu balik lahhh,haiyooi

Sudahnya i piled up few kgs back,and had been tipping the scale within that measurement since..gile lah.mmg its an emotional ride to see the scale needle going forth and back,no certainty,mcm tgk saham,naik turun cuma saham kalo naik besttt la kot,tapi kalo lemak naik?? *tepek muka

When i pursued my masters and worked abroad,alhamdulillah bole minus lg few kgs sebab boring sensorang so g la workout kat gym..makan pun cntrl je altho cuaca sejuk nak ngunyah je keje..assignment pon byk jadi i think that kind of stresses took its toll on me..bila dah keje plak pegi balik keje jalan kaki,dlm 2km jadi selamat la bole bereksesais at that time..

Ok now bila masuk marriage life n blessed to have been gifted by Allah with two perfect boys..haa mula la balik prob weight ni..

The masalah is getting besar because my metabolisme sudah lazy,so i have to work twice harder which is actually i am malas triple..and dunno why all lemak sgt suka go to my buttock n thigh ( ada magnet ke apatahh) jadi i need to control lots of this age health has dominates as the main reason,tapi sebab nk muat baju lama pon ye gak ( ponek oii nk beli baju baru jehhh with plus size iskk demmit)

Im in the middle of my own battle right now.what about you?

September 30, 2013

Mee kuning Delimaz

This is a muslim product loaded with lots of A+ qualities..

Has been in the market since 2006,byk betul ups n downs but Allah the Almighty have grant us the ability to keep our perserverance and move forward..

This superb product can be purchased throughout Mydin outlets in Seremban 2,Mitc Melaka,Melaka Bazaar,Kota Seri Emas,Putrajaya...not forgetting certain outlets in Pasar Borong Selangor..

Delimaz has also reached its customers via pasar2 segar and available groceries store in Seremban too..kelebihannya? Banyak. Feel free to visit its fanpage fb Delimaz..

Go for the real halal products peeps,not only on the logo,but inside out..its not easy, i know but when u have a better choice,why not opt for it..

Whatever goes inside the body,it will determines our rohaniah in long term,really..

September 12, 2013

Allergic to banana?

Sebenarnya none of my family members are allergic to any kind of food biologically..tapi allergy tengok food adalah,heheh..besides that the usual allergy towards dust,high-accidic food or pollen that can actually triggered my asthma tu adalah,tapi to me this is more towards engineered-allergy ( not born with it).

Tapi tetiba bila Zhafril aka Appril makan pisang and straight away naik puffy eyes,red patches around the mouth,panik first i thought it's because dia makan tepi2 langsir as usual ke ataupon sua-sua kan muka dia pada tempat berhabuk thus causing his face jd bloat mcm tu,tapi come to think about it,takdelah plak..

Then it came accross me yang dulu dia pernah kena like this right after makan pisang! Haaa confirm la ni,allergic to pisang la pulakk,haiihhh..according to; ( thanks to Anna Aronson)-

A banana allergy is a relatively rare food allergy, but people who are afflicted with it must exercise extreme caution so they don't ingest the fruit. The banana allergy takes two forms. The first is an allergy to bananas caused by an allergic reaction to tree pollen, in many cases birch pollen. The second, and usually more severe reaction, develops because the allergens in bananas are similar to the allergens in latex. This is called the latex-fruit allergy, and people with it may also be allergic to avocado, kiwi and mango, among other fruits.

Kesian tgk dia bermata mata bulat today bermata sepet..cepat2 bagi ubat tahan gatal sebab kalau tak,once Appril start scratch his eyes and then other part of his body,it will spread like wildfire..

So far nampaknya macam more pisang for u Appril,only durian.


September 10, 2013

Missing workout for two days dahh

So how?

Need to revise my workout schedule and food intake!!

So far takde la diet gile2 tp cautious gak ngan post pregnancy weight yang suka betul lekat di badan ni..makan sikit pon cepat naik,huh!

This machine in the picture is a step machine..memang best tp memang wargggghh!! Go n try it! In matrix fitness s2.

*solely is on me,matrix fitness does not has any interest in this post yawww

September 9, 2013

Dato Prof Ir. Dr. Radin Umar bin Radin Sohadi UPM

Had this from a friend..I was very shocked and sad. Very sad infact..semoga Allah mengurniakan kekuatan kepada beliau dan keluarga..

Saya tidaklah mengenali beliau secara peribadi, tetapi being within the same perimeter with him as a student, saya ada berurusan dengan beliau..Seorang yang mudah tersenyum, dan sangat lembut peribadi nya..

Kali terakhir saya berjumpa beliau adalah semasa berada di Lapangan Terbang Heathrow, United Kingdom.Saya mahu menghantar rakan pulang dan beliau bersama delegasi beliau juga turut mahu pulang ke Malaysia..
Saya menegur beliau :
'Ir Radin! ' sebab excited bertemu seseorang yang saya kagumi dan kenali di bumi asing itu..
Walaupun beliau tidak mengenali saya, tapi tetap tersenyum, tenang dan berbual bersama..

Memori itu sejenak. tapi sudah cukup untuk berada di hati sampai bila-bila..kerana Ir. Radin memang istimewa orangya..

Semoga Allah memberi kekuatan kepada Ir. dan keluarga..Amin ya Robbal Alamin..

*Kredit kepada my friend, Huzairiyah Hussein kerana berkongsi..

Kepada alumni UPM, terutamanya pelajar keuruteraan, YBhg Dato’ Prof. Ir. Dr. Radin Umar bin Radin Sohadi kini terlantar sakit dirumahnya di Villa Height, Tmn Asa Jaya Kajang. Beliau pernah mengalami sakit kanser, dan kini dibawa pulang ke rumahnya kerana kegagalan fungsi hati. Beliau pernah menjalani pembedahan membuang sbhgn hati sebanyak 2 kali. Kini baki hati yg ada pula mengalami kegagalan.

Menurut anaknya, hospital hanya jangkakan Prof Radin hanya mampu bertahan 2-3 minggu shj.
Semasa saya melawat beliau semalam, beliau mohon ampun dan maaf kpd sesiapa yg mengenali beliau. Mohon sesiapa jua yg mengenali agar sedekahkan Al-Fatihah dan mendoakan agar diringankan kesakitan yg beliau tanggung dan dipermudahkan urusannya. Sesiapa yg berkesempatan silah ziarah beliau.

YBhg Dato’ Prof. Ir. Dr. Radin Umar bin Radin Sohadi merupakan/ pernah berkhidmat:
1. Pengasas MIROS - ( )
3. Ketua Pengarah Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi
4. Professor Traffic Safety Engineering
5. Dekan Faculty of Engineering, UPM

Masterchef US Season 4


Masterchef US season 4 is back baby! 711 Astro Starworld is going to be steamy!

Ive religiously watched all other cooking competition series, you named it- Masterchef of various countries, Junior Masterchef ( a ah layan juga, cant believe how huge are the talents of those little hands! ), My Kitchen Rules, Top Chef, Hell's Kitchen and our own very own local too- 5 Rencah 5 Rasa )

But, I must say that my heart falls heavier towards Masterchef US. absolutely nothing to do with the US thingy but I personally feel that this particular Masterchef series have its own kick! What's so great about the US series anyway?Whyyyyy? hehehe

1) The judges themselves; Mr. Gordon Ramsay; Mr. Joseph "Joe" Bastianich and not forgetting the huggable Mr. Graham Elliot.
They hold different characters themselves..

You might think that Joe is the serious one, but given few episode-experiences you might see that he has a very soft spot in him given that the story that he's listening to is not fake to his judgment.. Yeah, he bloody hate fakers.Well, who doesnt eh? He can get misty at times, owhh Joe that's what makes you special..Like a Chocolate Molten Cake, all tough at the outside but gooey in the inside perhaps? hahahha

Gordon,oh you need not to be introduced to this fella. Hell's kitchen? havent watch it? so your swearing-vocabulary is not complete yet i suppose? lol. Apart from that particular series, Gordon is a very 'manipulative' person in this Masterchef US. But in a good way.. He always has this plot to make the US series more demanding, full of suspense and rewards the audience with a lots of oooohs and aaahhss during the viewing. Can anyone remember how bold he is in challenging a pretty lady in de-boning a fish? Nor anyone can forgets about his charm and motivational spirits towards encouraging a lad to propose to his lady after being carrying a ring in his pocket for 6 months? And NO he didnt get the white apron but the lady said YES! See? Am not sure whether this plot has been planned earlier but it looks all good to me, i had teary eyes, damn!

And last but not least, Mr. Huggable aka Graham.. Oh what can I say about this big man..with big heart and of course big appetite? hehe..such a humble guy and loaded with experience, Graham will always be that kind of guy you possibly consider in putting your hopes on..His smiling face tells you thousand words and warmth.

Well, this is what I think of those judges..Am not saying that other Masterchef's episodes from other countries are not any better, they are in their own good ways..Example the Australia's, i love the three of them. Such a high spirit, very motivational and smiles! Yeah that counts too!

September 8, 2013

Matrix fitness gym

Ehh saya tak dibayar ye untuk entry2 yang berkaitan servis,produk,places,eateries,etc.

Dont get the idea wrong,who knows any of the entries might deliver readers bit of something,or bite perhaps? abang long ada replacement class so mama n baba again heading to this fitness sanctuary ( hahah sangat!! ) sementara tnggu abang habis class..

Best best sweating..harap-harap istiqamah la hendaknya,insyaAllah..

September 7, 2013

Zig Ziglar

A new book a new perspective a new horizon,fresher ideas!

Hopefully.tapi bagi fans of mr.ziglar,im so out dated,sebab this book has been in for so so long and me baru nk baca..

Haihh..siapa mr ziglar ni ye? For professional sales person cum marketeer, he's one of ultimate gurus..

Nak berbuat apa2 mestilah berguru kan? Mudah-mudahan dipermudahkan..


Tupperware items for grab/sale!

Jemput la tengok item tupperware semua ni..baru-baru dari latest Sept 2013 catalogue..Tupperware needs not to be introduced dah,lifetime warranty..

While stock lasts la eh..the price? Ask me,semua harga runtuh punya,tapi bukan runtuh poket eh..kiikii


Ala hari ni rasa malas laaa nak menaip. ni ajelah.semoga ada manfaatnya..

Shoulder press machine

Another fav machine of mine..
To tone down your upper arms and shoulders.
Tapi 9kg yo lah den larat angkat.

Work that tummy out girll

Another equipment that you can find in Marix Fitness Gym Seremban 2..
Come come lets be healthy peeps!

Matrix fitness hellloo againn

Ive made an attempt ( its not easy tauu after a lots of reasoning yang tak make sense ) come back to this 'torture' place..

Alah bukan torture apa pon,sebab im not under mana-mana my own boss dey machaaa!!

Actually byk benefitnya to come to such place..when you work out,you get to feel fresher,more energetic and happy! Ye betul happy! Sbb I know after that workout yang tak byk mana I did pon,there will be a sumptuous brekpes waiting for me after this! Yeeehaaa,reward time my frennn

September 2, 2013

The abused power of words

Mudahnya untuk berkata-kata. Atas platform kebebasan bersuara kononnya. Maaf lah,buat saya nk terjojol biji mata mendengarnya. Memang senang untuk mengutarakannya. Tapi adakah sesenang melaksanakannya? Ada sebab mengapa Rasulullah saw pernah berkata- Kata-kata adalah lebih tajam dari mata pedang. Tidaklah ada pepatah mengatakan terlajak perahu bole diundur,terlajak berkata? Buruk padahnya. Dengan kebebasan media sekarang ini,maka timbullah bermacam bahana. Have it my way guys-wasatiah,bersederhanalah dlm setiap perkara,dan ingatlah 'penjaga setia' bahu kanan dan kiri kita.. Xxx

August 30, 2013

Merdeka merdeka merdeka!

Selamat hari jadi Malaysia tanah tumpah darahku.. Bumi bertuah.kenapa saya mengatakan bahawa ia adalah bumi bertuah?? Typical answers would be due to keamanan,kemakmuran,kestabilan ekonomi dan politik.. But please bear in mind that all these lucky qualities do not just happened! Blood.sweat.tears.not us not yours perhaps. But our ancestors.our great great grandparents.again if it is not ours,it would be it anyone,the point is that dont take it for granted.not every ignorance is a bliss my friend. Learn it.earn it.truly with all your heart.go n do it,if you feel you belong here.simple. There,ive said it.have it my way..

August 29, 2013

Where are u mr.focus??

There's whole lot of things on my plate right now. Too many people need my attention,intuition,as well as constructive response to their endless questions. Very overwhelming. Am not saying im losing my grip,this aint my cup of tea neither. Need to prioritize.and focus. Focus is very much crucial in whatever task youre workin on.a simple task like eating requires you simple focus,or else you might end up spooning your fav trifle onto your nose.instead of where the food's suppose to end up to!it isnt a good metaphore but the idea is for you to understand this the way i do. Yeah uve said it pretty loud-have it my way!xxx

August 28, 2013

It's been way too long!

laaaa 2013 dah nak masuk 4th quarter, baru la terhegeh-hegeh nak update blog.. bukan saja, tak sengaja atau disengajakan..memang blog ni dah ber-link pun di mobile phone, tetapi.. ok i have thousands of reasons of it, do you really want to hear it? i know u don't, me neither! thiiihiii my Sept month resolution- to update my blog frequently. there are so many things revolving around me..pretty exciting n exhilarating u i know u can't actually see..u reaaad.. alamak apa yang membebel ni, but truly am happy to be back in this confined space of mine.. *blessed...