What need to be done, what has been done, what can be done.
Sometimes dalam mencari solution atau sedang mencari-cari, boleh langgar dinding weh. This is so not pleasant feeling.
Kenapa langgar dinding? Antara sebab langgar dinding bagi hemat saya yang masih mengumpul pengalaman ni:
1) Tiada atau kekurangan ilmu tentang masalah atau perkara yang terlibat dengan masalah. Pls bear in mind, ilmu tidak berkurang seiring masa, malah bertambah lg. ini kerana sesuatu penambahbaikan terhadap sesuatu perkara akan always takes place.
2) Willing to learn. We might be a champ in our own area but not necessarily our knowledge applies with others. Hence it is equally important for you entrepeneurs to listen and work things out. You'll stumbled, but to keep on walking you just have to raise again and take that step. Be open to any positive changes. One door closes, many more opens, have u ever came accross such perumpaan?
3) No idea is a bad idea. Brainstorm! I do this with my workers. You'll suprise urself with lots of new unseen views before, because they are giving their input based on their perspective. So logically you'll get opinions from both sides of world. Dont underestimate them. Value them.
4) Agree to disagree. These ideas might become very opinioted hence leading to a more deeper discussion that eventually can crack a solution! But, put emotion in the bag ok, we dont need anyone in the hospital now do we?
At times, you'll get frustrated n want to quit. No i will not blame or judge you. Because ive been there guys! Or else those mumblings above are baseless. What i do is i sit back n try to see a bigget picture. Why am i doing this? Do i need to this and do i want to?
And eventually i understand. This is what i am made to be. Its meant to be. This is all a learning curve, part of success journey.
And what breaks me cannot kill me. And you too. You just have to pick up where you left, have faith and keep on going.
Allah loves those who dont give up unnecessarily. He knows best. Doa byk2 k. For He is the ultimatum.