August 27, 2009

** Ramadhan **

last year pose with Riky dalam with Riky outside proud 5 entering 6 months lagi...

i can still remember how were things at that time...dgn morning nite sickness nye, hubby is not around, work is piling up, alone...hmm im glad ive passed that period of time with strong will...nasib la..alhamdulillah...and now to think about my dear friend Iqin whose thousand of miles away pursuing her dreams with feotus in her tummy...i can surely understand how she feels..dengan jauhnye, dengan pressure early pregnancies sicknesses...oang pregnant ye la yg tau canne rasenye...tapi yg bagusnye doc kat Uk tu, they offered a supportive letter for her...that surely exhibit one kind of common understanding yang kita di sini am lacking off...tapi apa2 pon...1 Malaysia...cant deny my love for my tanah tumpah darah ku...:)

my mom tgh buat sup ayam kat dapor..she said it's good for orang sakit like me..hmm i wonder how are things gonna be when i nak duk our own house nnt...mesti tunggang langgang...hubby had alraedy gave his cue * next week kite start duk umah la yea...i dun mind, seriously but it is Riky im worried about...luckily ada helper..but it would be better if someone's supervising her in her work...

takpe la..nothin like trying kan..and mintak2 la semangat saya kuat untuk fasting..Doc Iman said dont since youre very weak..tapi Islam kan agama yang mudah...ia tak akan membebankan umat2nya...and i trust dear Allah in that statement...

*sedapnye bau rempah mak reneh ne..well..i surely miss my clan when bukak pose..along and akak far away, nasib ada kak ngah n kids kat umah..with dad n bro bz with their Ruhas Jati...i can only count to meet them during sahur...kire oke la tu... :) nasib hubby makes an effort to come home few seconds before azan Maghrib...

1 comment:

  1. er..sedapnye sup ayam..i can teribbly imagine how sedap it is..well..i missed the clan too..miss the 'penuhnye mejaaa...' statement...dun worry u'll somehow learn hw to manage things nnt if move to ur hse..insyallah...;-)
