Last monday was the day where everything should start fresh for house, new budget, new route, new colleagues, new so called cubicle, new subordinates, new superiors..and whatever it is, it shall start with the word new..what is not so new is my sleeping still f deprive of it, am badly longing for one..altho my mom has done a wonderful job of taking care little riky in my absence..and err also during my presence *sorry sorry mom!! i still dont manage to cater back to everything just yet! everything is kinda overwhelming to me right now..
spirit spirit where are you..i need you and your motivational friend with me. mind is tired, wrinkles pumpped up under eyes n faces like there's no other place to stay *thanks to caffeine and bad sleeping habit, the kinda long journey towards work has kinda taken its toll..well dont blame me pls, ive never worked this far before, all this while it has been like out-of-balcony and voila..i can see my office from there! now no more..sob is= morning rush, once you opened up your eyes..your adrenaline will start pumping up and will only subside when sun about to set down..
i know i know..ive been complaining too much..should have feel more grateful to have secure a job in shortest time available. oke mistake. im not complaining, am totally truly grateful for the AlMighty blessing towards me. and yea, you cant get everything you wish to in life..its not thaat simple, mind you. but look at the bright side and cheer up..
and my bright side is? by still having supportive family to chip in around, and of course little Riky's smile and cooing...guess nothing like Riky's puking onto my Gucci bag can beats that!
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