December 16, 2014

Promosi Vitamin C Shaklee Disember 2014

Stay tuned! 

Promo Dec' 2014 Shaklee memang wowwww!! 

Vitamin C buy 6 free 1 youuuu, ish this is one of my fav item! Vita C ni kalo u guys g clinic pon Dr akan sarankan utk ambil untuk jaga kesejahteraan immunisasi badan, takde la dok kene selsema, demam..

Besides, Vit C pon berfungsi utk kuatkan gigi n gusi. Alhamdulillah saya mmg perasan yang bila gosok gigi dah kurang nk darah2 gusi..

Tgk grafik ni eh for more brief info..any queries pasal Shaklee products or such dont hesistate to reach me at 017-6617882..

And saya adalah pengedar Shaklee COD kawasan Seremban, Seremban 2, Senawang, Paroi, Labu, Nilai, Terminal Pudu Sentral Kuala Lumpur.

Of cos pos ke seluruh Malaysia..

August 21, 2014

Sabarlah hati.

Mmg cliche. Bila soh someone sabar whenever we feel they should to.

Tp bila that should situation kene setepek  kt muka, tercari-cari sendiri di mana kesabaran itu? Puas istighfar tapi kemarahan makin meraja. Baran makin meluap, rasa nk tendang semua ada.

I learnt a valuable lesson today. Bitter sweet.
Actually had learnt it long time ago but nevermind, i'll take today's episode as another learning curve. 

Buat semua. Bukan senang nak berfikir secara waras. Tapi untuk jadikan seseorang your punch bag memang lah langsung tak waras. Hanya kerana punch bag tu tak boleh melawan, tak reti menjawab, malas nk amik port, wahh kemain lagi ko punch lagi bag itu. Dlm scenario ni slalunya mmg bukan salah punch bag tu pon, tp atas sbb punch bag malas nk feed ego si bodoh sambung tu, layan ajelahh.

Tp guys, punch bags pon ada feelings. Janganlah korang2 yg ego tinggi n mental block ni ingat yg ure the ones who know it all. Yg know it all tu Allah, jd tak salah orang yg selalu merunduk ke bumi tp penuh bersifat padi berisi.

Hah sedih skit. Tp tu la dia hidup. Kalo tak takkan la ada syurga neraka kan. Semoga amalan yg ciput ni Allah pandang, semoga kesabaran yg tahap sengkek ni Allah top up lg, semoga kita semua tak tergolong dlm golongan bodoh sombong dan mental block.

Hehehe..nk order shaklee leh roger me k at 017-6617882. COD seremban dan sekitar, terminal pudu sentral, kuala lumpur dan pos ke seluruh malaysia.

August 17, 2014

Promosi Ogos 2014- GLA Complex yang best!

Promosi Shaklee Bulan Ogos ni! Taraaaa

GLA complex Shaklee. ok apa ni? GLA stands for? GLA actually stands for Gamma-Linolenic Acid, a substance that normally derives from Evening Primrose Oil. But is Shaklee's case, it is derived from borage yang mengandungi lebih dari 2 kali ganda GLA dalam Evening Primrose Oil ni tadi.

Saya repost dari entry sebelum ni ye..tambahan nye adalah kak long dan consume GLA n walla! period pain aka senggugut itu sudah Alhamdulillah 99% kurang! Ikhtiar dia dan izin Nya.

Ramai di luar sana assume that this GLA is only meant for ladies which is NOT the case. Boboy pon bole consume ok, antara manfaat utama supplemen GLA ni adalah untuk mengawal selia estrogen dan testosteron. GLA membantu untuk membentuk prostaglandin dalam mengawal hormon lelaki dan wanita, maka ia dapat membantu untuk memperbaiki simptom PMS untuk wanita khususnya.

Do you know that your body needs one nutrient called asid amino? Asid amino ni hanya boleh diperolehi melalui certain food, kerana ia tidak boleh dihasilkan secara semulajadi oleh badan. So this is where GLA comes in. Supplement GLA ni sama penting macam asid amino ni tadi.

Antara kebaikan GLA lagi:
- melambatkan menopous/andropous
- memperbaiki kitaran haid ( irregular cycle )
- memperbaiki prostatomegaly
- menentang kanser melalui sifat anti oksida nya.
- menghalang komplikasi diabetes

Dan banyak lagi... macam yang saya selalu bagitau dalam entry saya, supplemen Shaklee selalu serampang banyak mata, it helps in few areas so actually mmg berbaloi beli.

can roger me at 017-6617882 for more info k loves, take care!

Saya adalah pengedar Shaklee COD Seremban, Senawang dan sekitar, Seremban 2, Bandar Baru Sendayan, Nilai, Labu, Terminal Pudu Sentral dan pos ke seluruh Malaysia! :)

June 27, 2014

Shaklee Jun Promotion 2014


Shaklee Monthly Promo is back!! Kali ni adalah turn VITAMIN E plak!! Buy 6 free 1 wehhh..

Pakat2 beli ramai2,harga satu jatuh murah lagi..n bole dpt free membership skali! Vitamin E ni sesuai utk both gender, gents n ladies yg mementingkan kesihatan tubuh mereka..jom go tru apa lg benefit dia as below:

Ok so sesapa nk bole roger 017-6617882 k, 'm more than happy to assist...❤️

: Pengedar sah Shaklee COD Seremban, Seremban 2, Senawang, Nilai, Labu, Terminal UTC Pudu Sentral. Pos ke seluruh Malaysia:

Cara tambah tenaga di bulan Ramadhan

Nak Ramadhan dahhhh. Checklist!

1) happy mind and soul- walaupon ini nmpak irrelevant tapi penting utk rasa semangat n tak sabar nk tunggu Ramadhan Al Mubarak nih! Almaklumla firman Allah menjanjikan bermacam kebaikan dlm bulan barakah nih,especially malam lailatul-qadar!!

2) Ingatkan balik niat2 puasa, solat terawih, solat2 sunat yg lain..Al quran baca lah secara istiqamah, sunnah2 Rasul junjungan dihidupkan..

3) Susun jadual agar ada masa utk terawih, qiamulail, bersadaqah. Dan dalam pada masa yg sama kerja seharian ttp berjalan dgn vavavoooom spt biasa..

Hence, saya amatlah galakkan sayang semua utk ambil set tambah tenaga dari Shaklee ni. Sila la jgn letak alasan tak dpt la nk extra ibadah sbb letih n penat, rasa lesu.. huhu rugi tauu kengkawan, bcos frankly speaking, tak tau lagi kita ni sempat ke tak sampai ke next Ramadhan..

So ini la set dia: 
And parents yg prihatin akan sentiasa cari alternatif dan cara utk bantu anak2 kesayangan dlm menghadapi bulan puasa ni...n decide utk go with below set:

Kannn..nk jadi lebih sihat dan bertenaga, mmg ada pelbagai cara..tapi pilihlah cara yang selamat, mudah, mampu milik dan berkesan. 

Cara mcm mana? Cara dengan Shaklee lahhh, hehe..bole roger anytime at 017-6617882 k..saya doakan perjalanan kita semua ke arah menjadi Muslim yang lebih baik dipermudahkan Allah..

Selamat menyambut Ramadhan semuaaaa!

'Saya adalah pengedar Shaklee seluruh Malaysia..COD Seremban, Senawang, Nilai, Labu, Terminal UTC Pudu Sentral Kuala Lumpur dan via pos seluruh Malaysia..'

June 23, 2014

To have lost someone..

Baru perasan, takde entry untuk Jun 2014 lagi. This is so quite unusual of me considering Jun is inching its way towards the end.

Bukan lupa, tapi masalahnye macam2 hal yang takes place on this month...or nearing this month.

I lost my beloved aunty, Maklang on Israk Mikraj, somewhere end May. Till date, it feels like she's somehow still here.

Somewhere. As much as we love her to bits, Allah loves her more. That smile spread on her face after she left this world tells us millions of things silently..

Am so glad for the oppurtunity that Allah gives me to be there during her final moment..Which I personally strongly believe that He wants me to learn, be a better Muslim and see His power beforehand. Alhamdulillah. I have no regret tho, come to think about the peacefulness that I witnessed on late her when she left us, she was such a great fighter of her illness every second i can remember..

May Allah grants jannah to my beautiful Maklang, Hjh Maimunah bt. Hj Zainal.. You are always in our mind maklang..Al Fatihah.

Pic- Maklang is the one standing. The one sitting? That's, my Jannah, my dearest Mom. :)

May 23, 2014

GLA Complex Shaklee

GLA complex Shaklee. ok apa ni? GLA stands for? GLA actually stands for Gamma-Linolenic Acid, a substance that normally derives from Evening Primrose Oil. But is Shaklee's case, it is derived from borage yang mengandungi lebih dari 2 kali ganda GLA dalam Evening Primrose Oil ni tadi.

Ramai di luar sana assume that this GLA is only meant for ladies which is NOT the case. Boboy pon bole consume ok, antara manfaat utama supplemen GLA ni adalah untuk mengawal selia estrogen dan testosteron. GLA membantu untuk membentuk prostaglandin dalam mengawal hormon lelaki dan wanita, maka ia dapat membantu untuk memperbaiki simptom PMS untuk wanita khususnya.

Do you know that your body needs one nutrient called asid amino? Asid amino ni hanya boleh diperolehi melalui certain food, kerana ia tidak boleh dihasilkan secara semulajadi oleh badan. So this is where GLA comes in. Supplement GLA ni sama penting macam asid amino ni tadi.

Antara kebaikan GLA lagi:
- melambatkan menopous/andropous
- memperbaiki kitaran haid ( irregular cycle )
- memperbaiki prostatomegaly
- menentang kanser melalui sifat anti oksida nya.
- menghalang komplikasi diabetes

Dan banyak lagi... macam yang saya selalu bagitau dalam entry saya, supplemen Shaklee selalu serampang banyak mata, it helps in few areas so actually mmg berbaloi beli.

can roger me at 017-6617882 for more info k loves, take care!

Supplement untuk sendi- Advanced Joint Health Tablet ( AJHT )

Oke today entry adalah pasal kesihatan sendi.

Allah telah mengurniakan kepada kita tubuh badan dengan sebaik-baik design and functionality. Contoh, cer kalo idung kita Allah design mendongak, tak ke haru kalo time kita mandi, mesti asyik masuk air jeh, hehehe..Meaning to say, Allah dah siap2kan kita ni dengan yang terbaik, kita je yang to me personally harus mensyukuri dan menghargai kurniaan ciptaan Allah ni.

In this context, I will zoom in about the importance of taking care of your joints. Bayangkan joints kita ni sejak kita lahir kita pakai, as time passes by, sedangkan kereta pon kita jaga servis minyak hitam semua, ini kan badan kita. Kalo kita tak servis kereta, mula la dia tersengguk la, sana sini bunyi, absorber tak best and so on. The concept is the same with our body, kalo our body is not been supplied with sufficient nutrients, might as well our body system will start to send out signals like badan lenguh2, lutut sakit, berkeriut, terkehel dan macam2 lagi..

Saya amat menghargai kesihatan saya, sebab saya baru je elok dari a horrible diarrheoa recently, i tell you aah suffer! toilet is my best friend, i cant eat because what ever masuk will klua hatta air seteguk pon. Allah menguji saya dan saya redha, that's why i strongly urged each one of you to take care of your health while you are still at it, bukan dan sakit and baru nk carik remedies..wallahualam.

Jadi, untuk kesihatan sendi, saya syorkan utk ambil Advanced Joint Health Tablet Shaklee. Ok apa supplement ni boleh buat ye?
- AJHT bantu meningkatkan 'cushioning', justeru memelihara tisu rawan antara sendi dan memberi perlindungan kepadanya.
- Memelihara komponen tisu penghubung yang memberi kekuatan dan struktur pada sendi.
- Meningkatkan keselesaan sendi dengan membantutkan mekanism respons stress tubuh bagi memperbaiki keselesaan sendi.

Ha banyak kan. I mean the product Alhamdulillah works. How do I know?
- sebab saya sendiri makan, so i can feel the difference.
- ramai mothers yang makan ( my friends' ) and they come back with such a positive outcome. Tak payah pakai tongkat lagi, boleh solat berdiri dah, jalan dan makin tegap, masyaAllah semua berlaku dengan izin-Nya.

Untuk parents kita, kesayangan kita..berilah peluang badan kita dan mereka untuk rasa selesa, nak buat apa pon senang, nak gerak dan beribadah, nak kerja, nak jaga rumah tangga..

Boleh roger saya di 017-6617882 for more info ye, I am more than happy to assist.

*Pengedar Shaklee Seremban* COD seremban, nilai, senawang, labu, terminal UTC pudu sentral. Pos seluruh Malaysia
* Jom sihat dan jana pendapatan melalui Shaklee, financial freedom!*

May 20, 2014

Roti canai sedap kat Nilai

Roti canai sedap. Kek mano? Kek pasar Nilai 3. Ni tgk nama kedai kt pix atas tu.

My 5 stars go to kuah, size yg tak besar sgt to me, and it is tebar-ed by abang and akak, heheh..nak garing leh request tauu

So kalo dok kt Nilai leh la jenguk2 😄

May 17, 2014

Trusted with life, dont take for granted!

Baru balik dr ziarah my beloved kazen, Yah kt spital. Congrats darling on your newborn. Siap ada kejutan happy mothers day lagi by management, i yg ziarah pon dpt tempias, hihi dpt la skali goody pack, tenkiuu kpj seremban!

Anyhow entry today bersimpang siur skit. Pasal life baby yg nk dilahirkan n entrusted to mom dan pasal life kita sendiri yang di entrusted kan pada doctor..ok gentle reminder; statements suma berpasak pada qada & qadar Allah ye, i mean semua berlaku dgn keizinan-Nya..

Bila baby dlm perut, mommy yg entrusted utk give them good food tru placenta, ye lah apa yg kita mkn suma smpai pada dia..apa yg mommy rasa suma babies rasa! MasyaAllah hebat kan, tu la relationship tu sgt exponential, berkadar langsung..

Bila time nk deliver plak, kita entrust our life to Dr, how they want to what extent also the risk they are willing to take. Risk involves decision making yang can be so crucial at some point. Ive been at the crossroad, but i trust my Dr to take decision professional-ly dgn penuh tawakkal dan penyerahan pada Allah. Every second counts. 

Tu la maksudnya entrusted with life. So to all mommies to be, jgn lupa take good food, supplement adalah sgt2 essential for foetus wellbeing. Sooo bloody 
important, example sufficient Vit B/asid folic utk elak spina bifida, iron for blood n byk lg..

Im reachable at 017-6617882 k guys..❤️❤️❤️, take care!

May 14, 2014

Sakit itu reminder..

Dah masuk 3 hari ni. Diarrheoa baik punya. Approx e ek dlm berbelas kali in few hours time.

Makan? pon kenot take..Muntah2. Nausea. Bukan mengandung ye, tapi
taktau apa lah silap makan. After 2 hari mkn ubat tak jalan, pi la spital, kene masuk air dan cucuk ubat..

Tengah2 tnggu pint air NaC tu abis, teringat dan terimbau or flashback. Waktu sihat. Ingatkah aku akan nikmat itu. Sedarkah aku akan kelapangan diberikan kesihatan yang baik? Alpakah aku dalam menjaga amanah Allah ini. 

So dalam menanggung kesakitan ketidak selesaan diarrheoa yg sampai melecet di buatnya ( serious weh, dgn lapar sbb takot nk makan nnt asyik membuang jeh )..ia adalah good n precise reminder, for my very ownself utk sentiasa bersyukur waktu sihat dan senang. Yes it sounds very cliche indeed tapi bila Allah memberi peringatan pada kita dgn cara ini, it's time to relook, refresh and reassess our ties with Al-Mighty..

Well at least to me. Hehe.

Ssokay, i'll take this as Allah soh myself rest, rancangan Dia adalah sebaik-baik plan kan?

May 10, 2014

Promosi Shaklee Mei 2014- Mealshake!

Mealshake Shaklee tengah ada promosi!!!! 

Bulan Mei 2014 ni, kalo beli 6 dapat 7, 1 lg on the house, free lahh, heheh..

Mealshake ni slalu famous for kids, tapi tipah jangan terrtipu, untuk adult pon bole tauu..

Stay tuned for more info on the goodness of this Mealshake ❤

May 9, 2014

Apa Shaklee niiiiii, tak suka lahhh

Haihh, baru perasan. Ye la. Sejak kenal Shaklee ni, huru hara hidup. Sebab:

1) Fikiran ni dok laa pikir mcm mana nk beri kesedaran pada seramai mungkin tentang supplement ni. Because it IS loaded with benefits to your body and pocket! Bukan propa tauu.

2) Rasa geram sbb ramai yang masih tercari-cari side income, mengeluh sana sini tak cukup tapi lepas tu gigit kuku. Goram sobab eden nk bantu kukuhkan ekonomi tapi diri sindri takmo tolong ownself so what else can i do? Takmo la kaya sensorang, nk kaya reramai, jadi reramai leh tolong reramai orang susah, domino effect lah!

3) Bila diri diselubungi aura positip, automatically your mind rasa -yeaa it can be done, rather than giving out list of excuses..

4) My Shaklee team is Allah oriented. Allah pemberi rezeki, the only source of your rezeki is Allah! Not your long hours of working or superb marketing. So worship Him, for He is your real Boss. 

5) All of above. Sigh. 

We draft our lives, the final drawing is with Allah Al-Mighty. Tapi i truly strongly believe He will never dissapoints whoever works their ass for something. Bersangka baik lah selalu. Sedeqah, beramal pada kedua ibu bapa dan suami.

Sebab tu saya kata Shaklee huru hara kan hidup saya, in many good ways! Up for the huru hara?? Lol

Line huru hara is 017-6617882 k ❤

May 8, 2014

Shaklee Performance Drink for Umrah-goers


Betul la orang cakap, tak kenal tak tau.

Kali ni pasal performance drinks. Frankly, saya sebagai distributor Shaklee tak pernah try lagi. I heard and read of its goodness but yes, nothing is like our own experience. It is like you are validating something, to me lahh.

So when i was given the chance by Allah to perform umrah baru2 ni ( entry- Mana menghilang? )saya pon tanya2 lah sifu Shaklee, what are the supplements that can help me out to ensure i stay ok and energized.

They suggested me Performance Drink and Vitalea ( multivitamin ). Ok saya mmg amik Vitalea pepagi tapi Performance Drink? This is new to me. And to think that I need to bring the whole canister is not so fancy to me, hala ye la..baggage dah nak obersize tu, hehehe..

What i did, based on consumption recommendation, saya pon bawak la dosages yang saya perlukan sepanjang saya berada di sana, and along other supplements. So saya tak perlu la nak bawak whole canister, i shrunk the size la basically, so geniuuuus of me! ( kehkehhhh jgn mareee)

Kat sana, masyaAllah..subhanaAllah, taktau nak cakap mcm mana. rasa tak sehat sebelum tu gone. out of the window. forget about the headache skit2, that is quite normal, sbb your body is adjusting biologically. here and there. different time zone. it's bearable. Kat Medina dah rasa stronger. Time to leave Medina. Mecca here i come,please terima saya dan ibadah saya ya Allah..Dalam mengerjakan umrah, saya bancuh Performance Drink with air zam2. waktu tawaf minum, waktu saie kalo ada lebih habiskan. Sangat2 essential untuk memastikan badan cukup dehydrated through out the journey.

Alhamdulillah! Feel dehydrated instantly. Rasa nak nangis pon ada, rasa penat hilang juga, sebelum minum jgn lupa doa, mintak dimudahkan. bukan performance drink atau air zam2 yang mudahkan kita, it is always Allah the Al-Mighty. Those yg lain hanyalah pengantara.

Balik ke hotel, telan ostematrix. Sehari 4 caplets. Alhamdulillah masyaAllah syukur sangat, rasa badan sakit2 and lenguh2 i wud say hilang 80-90%. My Mr Darcy cakap rasa bertenaga, and he performed 2 umrah per day to accomplish his target of 7. Maaf saya bukan bragging, saya dengan niat yang sgt humble ingin berkongsi kebaikan dan pengalaman saya sendiri bersama produk ni.

Kerana saya berharap semua umrah-goers dikurniakan kesihatan yang mantap di sana, baik fizikal dan mental. Memang superb Performance Drink yang rasa orange tu and Ostematrix, bersyukur dapat manfaatnya dengan kehendak Allah jua..

Want to know more? 017-6617882 saya ye, saya sangat berbesar hati untuk membantu :)

Mana menghilaaang

Sapa yang hilang actually?

Hihihi saya la yang hilang actually..kronologi nye panjang.

Awal april: kurang sihat.
Tengah april- ujung april: Umrah
Ujung april- tgh mei skit: post-recovery.

Hehehe..Alhamdulillah sangat tengah April nye event dapat disempurnakan dengan kemudahan dan kesyukuran pada Allah SWT.

Memang syukur sangat. Saya doakan semua readers diberi kesempatan untuk ke tanah suci. Although Ive been there before, but it will always be my first experience. The thrill, sayu, rasa berdosa dan sangat kerdil apabila melihat Kaabah dan Masjid Nabi adalah satu perasaan yang sangat mendalam.

There, you dont focus on something or anything else i would say. Since it is not an everyday's experience, you grab any chance to beribadah pada Allah. Hence, body yang sihat dan mental yang kuat sangat2 diperlukan di sana, well of course dengan izin Allah..

I'll share with you some pictures here..

April 4, 2014

Haloo Ms Calcium!

Apa perlu makan calcium? Tak cukup2 ke dh dpt calcium dr makanan seharian?

Ok wait. Reality check. Adakah pemakanan yg presumably penuh calcium itu terdiri drp:
- Milk. Yep not a drop but glasses of them suited to your age needs accordingly.
A dedicated portion of cheese and yogurt, sardines (with bones), broccoli, peas, leafy greens (such as kale). 
- Or portions of almonds or Brazil nuts, sesame seeds, tofu, soymilk, blackstrap molasses as well as dried figs and apricots.

So? If you are able to fullfill above nutrient requirement from your daily food intake, wahhh syabbass!! But sadly in reality it does not work that way unfortunately..i dont blame u, no one will bcause our lifestyle can be super demanding this decade!

Worry no more! Shaklee has this specially formulated calcium supplement which comes with magnesium, more excuses i can take this i cant consume that, because frankly, when we do that,we are sort off denying our body's bones to be at its perks.

Please, deny that osteoperosis or osteoathritis sign at the earliest possible..
Am not promosing moon n stars here, but heyy if it is not ourselves whose gonna take care of our own healthbeing, then who else's will..

017-6617882 for any queries k loves!

April 2, 2014

Your wife is hiding something?

She is grumpy. all of sudden. when you check the calendar, nope, not PMS time just yet. So why, what's wrong? Is it me, the hubby or is it just the wife?

Most husbands, i repeat most, not all, will tend to choose to ignore these change of behavior, they assume that things will get back to norm in no time. Nope. not a right move guys. This so-called self-centered moves only make the situation worsen.

So whats the deal actually?

There are various reasons for that. Be it she's tired of the house chores, plus if she's currently on 8-5 office job, that make it worse. But bear in mind it is not necessarily a career-minded wife only holds this grumpy issue, i put a safe bet that full-time housewives too always tend to experience with this kind of emotional roller coaster. And it only goes more bad if this particular group of housewives have had experienced working life before..

Ideally, wife will expect husbands to hold their hands and look right through their eyes and ask them :honey, what is wrong? ( ok ok i watched too much romantic movies, blerghhhh ). This whole thing ive described above seldom takes place in Asian community. This I will elaborate in my other entries, hahaha since the focus now is why is that grumpy and bossy mood suddenly, whats wrong wife? What is it that you are hiding?

Most of the time none. Yea, nada! nothing. We are so busy with the house chores, kids, wiping the table, kids having their meals, wipe the table again, picking up toys n restack them for 5 cycles minimum daily..That we eventually forgot that we are just plain mothers, wives that need our own break as well. Plus when u husbands came home and do not even bother to ask us how are we for the day, assuming that everything's balanced out..nope, i'm not leashing on my dear sweet hubby, these are example of situations that I've witnessed, personally.

Or perhaps husbands, your wife sudden change of behaviour might be because she found that you, yeah you had texted your ex asking how's her dad doing? while she, yeah your wife knows that you are 'dying' to actually know how is she, yeah ur ex is doing in her life..hahah.. go figure it out!

Shaklee Promosi April 2014 : Shaklee Month April 2014 Promotion


A new month, maksudnya new promotion. Jeng jenggggg!!

Apakah promosi untuk bulan ini?

So berbaloii baloii okeh guys..basically this Ostematrix is calcium-magnesium loaded. Cer tengok info kat bawah ni:

Besides, this supplement helps in easing down rasa sakit-sakit badan, lenguh2 pinggang, also untuk ibu-ibu menyusu..dah tentu untuk memenuhi keperluan kalsium harian kita. In long term, insyaAllah boleh mengelakkan kita dari penyakit osteoathritis dan osteoperosis.

Yang penting usaha kan..insyaAllah doa semoga dipermudahkan usaha memantapkan kesihatan.

Pls pm me at 017-6617882 to purchase..

March 28, 2014

ESP Shaklee March 2014 Promo

Cepat!!! Copekkk!!

ESP buy 6 free 1 still ada lg smpai ujung bulan mac 2014 ni. Gile ahh. Jom refresh ESP utk apa n also can refer to my previous entries..

Besides jimat juga, u guys are entitled utk jadi ahli for free! Lifetime guys! Takyah nk mantain point ke apa ke utk sustain me, thats y kene join baru tau apa other benefits dia!
Mmg excited sgt sbb u get to hold both in your hands. Good health & extra cash.

MasyaAllah Alhamdulillah! Maha suci Allah yang berkuasa terhadap semua perkara..

Can reach me at 017-6617882 k 

March 19, 2014

Omega guard Shaklee

Omega guard Shaklee. Gini la rupanya:

So many goodness can be derived from this small cap. Untuk brain-booster, untuk constipation ni mmg superb la..apsal superb? because ive tried and am truly satisfied of the outcome. Saya memang la pompuan yg slalu kene constipation, suffer tau. sebab kene lelama kat toilet, and then tak kuar! atau kuar yang masyaAllah keras. huhu..bayam dan makan, air yoghurt, minum plain water banyak2..still it cannot curb my constipation issues.

Until I makan this omega guard. Memula makan as fat burner, cer tengok bwh ni:

But i got so many other side benefits of it! Alhamdulillah..suka la hati, sbb kalo tak buang air 1-2 hari leh pening woo..sbb those so called gasses yang tak baik ada dalam badan kan, jadi of course la badan rasa tak sedap and rs bloated je pon ye..

So, sesapa nak cuba Omega guard Shaklee, whatssapp me at 017-6617882. Besides that, omega guard pon bole di makan oleh kids for their asthma issues tau, so like i mentioned before, one product with so many serampang benefits..

Health is wealth, definitely!

Dah lama tak masuk gym..


Lama gile meninggalkan routine ni. Kalo tanya why mmg berjela la alasannya..

Sibuk, sibuk, takde masa, byk hal..etc.

Tapi come to think about it, this is a routine yg byk tul benefit dia..a time for urself, get healthy n being fit, plus it serves as social platform for me too..

So here i am again, establishing a routine that was paused for a while but not long forgotten.  Siap kene bebel2 ngan my fellow gym-mates yg kakak2 suma tp fuhh selamba angkat dumbell 25kg!

Jom sihat!!

March 18, 2014

Shaklee March 14 Promosi ESP

Fuhhhh memang meletup la bulan Mac 2014. Shaklee buat promosi ESP dia plakkkk..Energizing Soy Protein ( ESP) lah.. Entry sebelum ni ada menerangkan ke boom nye produk ni sbb apa. Pardon my language sbb saya tgh excited, heheh..
Promonya begini: buy 6 free 1 wehhhh!!

Tak gile tu? Brapa harga jatuh satu?? MasyaAllah bole jimat la mmg!! Ada yg tanya- camna kak nk telan 6 canister skaliguss! 
Ohh my sayang, no need to, u ajak la main kutu sesapa nk main, cukup orang beli, pastu bole join free membership dikkk! Takyah byr rm75 for lifetime membership tu, considered sealed! Heheh, mmg again, gile ahh!

Sape yg dh try mmg mengakui alhamdulillah keberkesanannya dlm pelbagai aspek. Wah bahasa akak, hehe. Betul, baik breastfeeding, utk kulit, diet sihat, mcm2 laahh.. Important is ESP adalah non GMO k, insyaAllah berkesan dgn penggunaan istiqamah..

So apa tunggu lagi?? 017-6617882 akak k, kita business talk! Wah!! Lollll ❤❤❤

March 3, 2014

Energizing Soy Protein ( ESP ) and its benefits.


Today nak kongsi pasal ESP Shaklee. ESP stands for Energizing Soy Protein ( ESP) is a stand-out product from Shaklee. Stand out nye sebab fungsi ESP ni ada banyak, tidak terhad kepada satu atau spesifik fungsi sahaja, itu yang best, serampang banyak mata, hehe..

ESP is a makanan tambahan protein berasaskan kacang soya. Kacang soya yang digunakan juga need not to worry, sbb Shaklee hanya menggunakan kacang soya non GMO ( genetically modified organism) yang diproses pada suhu yang rendah. Bear in mind, kalo diproses pada suhu yang tinggi, ia akan memusnahkan all the goodness of the protein itself. Satu tin ESP which weighs at 850g dihasilkan dari 30kg kacang soya! banyak kan, so no wonder this ESP holds 9 asid amino penting, 5 sumber vitamin dan 4 sumber mineral. So nutritious kan?? Absolute reason nape ESP Shaklee lain dari yang lain..

This , ESP pon is formulated specially for those with diabetic problem. ESP mempunyai indeks glisemik GI yang rendah, iaitu dont worry k gestational diabetic pregnancies mommies pon bole consume, insyaAllah takde issue.

So why la protein ni penting sgt utk badan? Sebab :
- Protein adalah bahan utama dalam pembentukan organ dan tisu dalam badan serta komponen utama pada hormon yang merangsang fungsi psikologi.
- Jadi setiap organ perlukan protein,logic nye kurang protein kuranglah kekuatan sistem imun utk lawan penyakit.

Paling femes penggunaan ESP adalah dalam set menyusukan badan dan set diet. Cubalah. 017-6617882 for more info and consultation, you'll not regret, insyaAllah..:)

February 24, 2014

Cabaran menangani cabaran

Bila ada cabaran mendatang, nak menangani nya pon adalah satu cabaran.

What need to be done, what has been done, what can be done.

Sometimes dalam mencari solution atau sedang mencari-cari, boleh langgar dinding weh. This is so not pleasant feeling.

Kenapa langgar dinding? Antara sebab langgar dinding bagi hemat saya yang masih mengumpul pengalaman ni:

1) Tiada atau kekurangan ilmu tentang masalah atau perkara yang terlibat dengan masalah. Pls bear in mind, ilmu tidak berkurang seiring masa, malah bertambah lg. ini kerana sesuatu penambahbaikan terhadap sesuatu perkara akan always takes place.

2) Willing to learn. We might be a champ in our own area but not necessarily our knowledge applies with others. Hence it is equally important for you entrepeneurs to listen and work things out. You'll stumbled, but to keep on walking you just have to raise again and take that step. Be open to any positive changes. One door closes, many more opens, have u ever came accross such perumpaan?

3) No idea is a bad idea. Brainstorm! I do this with my workers. You'll suprise urself with lots of new unseen views before, because they are giving their input based on their perspective. So logically you'll get opinions from both sides of world. Dont underestimate them. Value them. 

4) Agree to disagree. These ideas might become very opinioted hence leading to a more deeper discussion that eventually can crack a solution! But, put emotion in the bag ok, we dont need anyone in the hospital now do we?

At times, you'll get frustrated n want to quit. No i will not blame or judge you. Because ive been there guys! Or else those mumblings above are baseless. What i do is i sit back n try to see a bigget picture. Why am i doing this? Do i need to this and do i want to?

And eventually i understand. This is what i am made to be. Its meant to be. This is all a learning curve, part of success journey.  

And what breaks me cannot kill me. And you too. You just have to pick up where you left, have faith and keep on going.

Allah loves those who dont give up unnecessarily. He knows best. Doa byk2 k. For He is the ultimatum.

February 22, 2014

Kebaikan jadi member Shaklee

Dulu makan je supplemen Shaklee ni. Ada perubahan dari segi kesihatan, syukur Alhamdulillah.

Lepas tu dgr je cerita kakak buat side income dgn hanya berkongsi kebaikan supplemen selain menyerahkan urusan rezeki bulat-bulat pada Allah. Masih lagi skeptikal, but not to later one.

Bila tgk plak sistem yang tak menindas, lps tu bonus dia masuk, ehh ni tak bole jadi ni. Takkan melongo je tengok padahal peluang ada depan mata kan.

Ok fine, malas nak pikir panjang, i got nothing to lose right? I mean you pay RM75 for lifetime membership. Atau beli barang bersamaan 200 point dan membership comes free. So i decided to join.

And yes, banyak mende berubah lepas tu. My attitude, RM dalam poket, positive changes la of course geng! Syukur!

Sebab dulu ingat bila similar bussiness concept je kene buat sales gila2 and maintain point, hell no actually!

Shaklee is not MLM, it emphasizes on network marketing. This is a business at your own pace, masyaAllah you just have to follow and duplicate the system. And system is not that complicated like bloody theorem in uni, hehe...

Do it at your level best, and leave the rest to Allah. This is the concept that my Amazing team has embedded in us, members.

Hey, an extra money at your leisure time, plus kesihatan bertambah baik, tipu la kalo taknak kan?

So dont waste time, reach me at 017-6617882 if youre interested to. Also, harga Shaklee is mampu milik k, trust me, ive tried few other products, and this comes much cheaper than it seems to. Plus, it's natural and proven to. :)

February 20, 2014

Kerispatih - Tapi Bukan Aku


What you neeed to know about resdung aka sinus

Resdung atau sinusitis jika tidak dikawal bakal membawa implikasi yg lbh besar, like kene operate hidung. Waaaaaaa!

Apakah sinus atau resdung itu??

It is commonly caused by viral infection that has eventually causing secondary infection n thus affecting your 4 pairs of sinuses. Our pairs of sinuses are
-behind your forehead< -either side of the bridge of your nose -behind your eyes -behind your cheekbones According to NHS: Your sinuses open up into the cavity of your nose and help control the temperature and water content of the air reaching your lungs. The mucus that's naturally produced by your sinuses usually drains into your nose through small channels. These channels can become blocked when the sinuses are infected and inflamed.The sinuses behind the cheekbones (the largest ones) are most commonly affected. Ohh rupanya sinus can be controlled at its early stage.. Step up your body immune system. Shaklee vitamin B and vitamin C have all the needed formula to helps you maintaining general health. Now im not talking about magic pill here ok? You have to be istiqamah n drink plenty of water, know ur allergents..supplements are here to help, not curing, kindly get this right.. Shaklee's sustained release Vitamin C is so affordable taking into consideration the benefit and how long it will lasts..likewise vitamin B.

I will encourage all you my beautiful readers to incorporate these supplements into your daily diet..

Pls whatsapp, text or reach me at 017-6617882 for more details on Shaklee supplements.

Much love!

February 13, 2014

It just feels right

This is what i do every week. To be fair what i tried to my level best to do each week.

Is to spend short yet meaningful, brief yet loaded with love and love..

Hari ni ada plus one, si minion! ❤❤❤

February 12, 2014

Banyak susu badan. My breast feeding journey.

Ok sebelum taip ni i hela nafas panjang.

It is because Allah yang tau my bitter sweet journey of breast feeding.

So to mommies out there, i truly can feel your feelings of really wanting to give the best to your babies but yet for some reason the milk gland doesnt seem to agree with you.


But do you realize that, by being frustrated and emotional is not going to help you with the issue, let alone solving it. Worse still, it only adds up to your misery, since I believe your brain signal out this negative energy to your body hence breast is not cooperating, again!

Ive experienced this, been in this shoes before. My milk supply only reached 1 oz when i watched my nipple being sucked out of milk during pumping. But when I did the pumping session while watching a good movie on the tv, I managed to fill up the bottle in no time! see? I was so busy distracted by the movie and ignored the process, and yet Alhamdulillah my breast cooperated fully! Am not so sure whether it was because im happy so breast is happy and produced more milk or vice versa.

There was a time when my milk supply reached negative supply. MasyaAllah I panicked but I knew I needed to do something really badly and urgently. See now breast feeding does not comes natural anymore like the time of our mothers but now, it seemed that you have to be armed with correct knowledge to ensure you get optimum results. Correct knowledge are for example how to latch, correct postures, benefits and etc.

Dont ever give up. I have to admit, i do feel so at times. But by looking at this little bundle of joy, I cant. So i stepped up my game.

You can to. Try this milkbooster set by Shaklee. Loads of satisfied customers based on their testimonials.

After you feel that youve laid everything out on the table, leave it to Allah.

For He knows the best.

Feel free to 017-6617882 me. Be glad to help..