January 10, 2014

Urinary tract infection (UTI) aka Kencing Kotor aka Kencing tak lawas

Wah title pon dah panjaaaaang gitu.

Pernah dengar tak? Sakit weh. The symptom?: 
1) poie toilet nk wee wee tp kuarnye tak
2) after 5 mins rs urge lg nk wee wee tp bila dah bersemangat kat toilet bowl,again hasilnye beberapa titik je kauu,haru okeh!
3) ulang proses 1) & 2).hehe.uwaaaa.
4) waktu memula nk wee wee rasa mcm burning sensation.ok tell you this burning sensation yg painful punya tu lahhh.haiyo. 

From my knowledge-hunting UTI ni normally menghantui gegirl.sbb gegirl urinary layout dia ( hihi ) lbh pendek dr boboy.jadi kuman dari air kencing or perhaps from external infection bole
senang hati hang out kat situ.so not cool ok meeting ur frens there oi kuman,duh!

Kalo tgh pregnant,cpt2 amik treatment k. Can become dangerous to u mommy, and foetus too..
Rawatan secara umum,what ive tried and osso researched is:
a) minum air suam.plentiful.bukan segelas dua n then ok dah,no no! Ini mau  kasik flush out itu kuman.
b) minum air rebus barley.
c) buy Ural ( mcm sodium dlm pack kecik2 mcm Eno tu ) n dissolve n drink.
d) for boboy, minum air tembikai. Or air perah lobak putih tu.bau dia,fuhh! Tp khasiat,wow! Boboy kan sometimes berkait rapat ngan prostat slalunya kan..

Ada gak suggest minum cranberry juice.i ini eden lom prnh try lg.

As for me,it served me right! Actually last nite tdo pinsan. So syok smpai sinaps transmit msg kat neuron bgtau 'nk kencing dah ni wooi minah' pon tak sedar.so bila bgun pagi,otak jammed ah byk sgt msg unreplied by urinary team..jadi pemberontakan kuman pon berlaku. Urgh!

Moral of story,kencing itu satu keperluan dalam hidup. Dont take it easy a.listen to
your body. Nak wee wee gi je.apa nk tahan2.
Seksa kemudian. 

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