January 15, 2014

Where we belong. Balik kampung!

Rejuvenate betul bila dapat balik kampung.

Especially bila kampung tu tak dapat line fon ke internet lagi lah kann..Cuma sepiring Astro yang menemani with no FOX channel. Tihihih.
Meaning to say what you get to do is like pure kampung stuff. Macam Mr. Darcy he's associated with potong rumput, mesin, menebas and anything related to kegagahan. As for me it's more towards chilling with my Awe, kids, cook, bersihkan sawang and stuff like that.

Without needing to check the phone out for like every 10 minutes, eleh dah tau takde line so simpan ajelah fon tu atas gobok..
It had been quite sometime Mr. Darcy and I had talked about going back to this little sanctuary of The Suda's. We miss our dear Awe a lot..and being always bloody bz with everyday chores, we tried to make up this little free time we have to go home to Awe's.

So this is our great living legend Awe. hehe. Alhamdulillah she looked all well and cheerful. Good appetite and in jovial mood and spirit. Despite she no longer recognizes us, still it doesnt matter ( Ekau sapo? i salam her like every few hours because she always thought I just came in, bliss! ) . All that matters that we got to spend so much of quality time we have, together.

And only that matters.

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